Brainiac Plan: find a guy who lost the title twice, pit him against the Champ.

Mitt, with the peekaboo stance, lost the big game twice too. Lost the heavyweight title to a Swedish guy nobody ever heard of unless it was really McCain drenched in lutefisk, got it back, and then lost to Sonny “the Shroom King” Obama. Which was obviously great preparation for the boxing world’s near unanimous desire to defeat, humiliate, and otherwise lay low the Louisville lip.

Didn’t work out. Won’t do anything but tarnish a personal reputation Mitt Romney spent a lifetime building. Feel sorry in that regard. But he’s made a sad hollow shell of himself on the public stage. He’s exposed as a hypocrite, a treacherous friend, and a mere tool of the power players in his political orbit.

Trump will now proceed to demolish him, and given the party tactics employed against him, Trump will have no reason to hold his punches.

What a giant fail. Almost as bad as Floyd Patterson playing peekaboo with Cassius Clay.