Snapshot of the 2020 Election

November 2020

What is going on with this crazy presidential election?

Above is the map of how counties voted on November 4, 2020. Compare with the map below of which states are open for business and which are still in a fairly serious state of lockdown. 

Headlines of the Election Process Thus Far

First things first. Extremely impressive Blue Wave, endorsing Democrats and repudiating Trump nationwide, wouldn’t you agree? Well, at least on the east and west coasts and in the hippie chunk of the southwest. This is pretty much how the election broke down in 2016, too, when the Democrats also won the popular vote. The blue bits on this county map happen to be where the most votes are. Which means that the popular vote is dominated by major urban centers, whose issues and priorities are distinctly different from those of the overwhelming majority of counties (i.e., geographic/economic regions) in the rest of the country. Trump won significantly more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, yet he still lost both the popular vote and the Electoral College. Which must mean that the Biden-Harris ticket managed to drive Democrat turnout significantly upward, despite the fact that Biden and Harris barely campaigned at all. How did they do that?

Three or four possible answers. The one the Democrats would have us believe is that they won on the issues, Trump having failed to do what he promised in 2016 as an untried and controversial outsider: improve the economy, reduce taxes and business regulations, reduce unemployment, regain control of U.S. borders (‘Build the Wall!’) and trade policy, disengage the nation from combat and direct engagement in Iran and Afghanistan, restore manufacturing jobs to the rust belt, fix the broken Veterans Administration, rebuild the U.S. military, negotiate more peaceful diplomatic relations with the Middle East and more equitable with Iran and North Korea, secure energy independence for the United States, and withdraw from the crushingly expensive participation in the Paris Climate Accords. Except that he did all of these things, keeping more promises and accomplishing more positive change for more people than any president in memory. On top of which, a president supposedly disliked and disrespected around the world has been nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

We’re asked to believe that a clear majority of the American people prefer the Democrat platform of eliminating the fossil fuel industry, big city police departments, all U.S. borders, and the Trump tax cuts… because the vision of a United States modeling itself on Cuba and Venezuela is just so inspiring that everyone somehow, irrationally, shares the Antique Vision of AOC, Colin Kaepernick, Nancy Pelosi, and the Marxist political gospel of graybeard Bernie Sanders, aka “the man who could not be nominated.” Sorry, that dog won’t hunt.

Second, the real return on the endless investigations and attacks on Donald Trump have simply worn out the voter population. In this scenario, it no longer matters that none of these investigations (and impotent impeachment burlesque) has ever produced any evidence of a crime. Maybe they’ve just been convinced, finally, that he’s too rough-edged and plain spoken to be president, or why else would he have so many enemies? He’s not nice. Except that choosing Biden over Trump is not any kind of movement toward niceness. Biden is more corrupt, sexually perverted, personally vicious, racially prejudiced, and self-serving than Trump ever was. That dog doesn’t hunt either. Unless surrender to the haters of the left is some kind of vain hope that  the nastiness of the last five years will go away if we put the Killers from the Swamp in charge. If that’s it for any of you, I promise you’ll get not what you hope for but what you deserve.

The other two explanations for Trump’s defeat are related. They are the net impact of the COVID virus and the consequent collapse of discipline in the American voting process. COVID was eleventh hour salvation for the left. Something which, though an Act of God or an Act of the ChiComs, could be blamed squarely on Trump, no matter how he tried to handle it. And blame him they did, for every case and every death, while the Democrats in urban centers did everything possible to make the virus more costly, frightening, inconvenient, confusing, and (at times) more deadly than it had to be. (How many senior citizens had to be quarantined in nursing homes to catch the virus from one another and quickly expire?) Even the sacrifice of the elderly could be simply assigned to Trump. And so it was.

Not surprisingly, with significant chunks of big and small business shut down indefinitely, with people quarantined in their homes or isolated even in public by masks, a depression was created that was more than economic. It was also spiritual, national, and deliberately Trump focused. It wasn’t a shared crisis we worked together to overcome. It was a colossal political blunder by the man who tried more than anyone in the world to defeat it.

This was actually only the first blow of a one-two punch. COVID provided the perfect excuse for savaging the tradition of voting at the polls. That was no longer practical to a housebound population. What was absolutely (and patriotically) required was voting by mail. Which resulted in a hideously disorganized and opaque process of launching mail-in forms to anyone and everyone, uninvited, via the U.S. Postal Service, with no managerial control, no accountability, and no quality assurance. The piles of consequent paperwork guaranteed the election could not be decided in one night, one week, or one month. Just keep counting till you have enough votes. Too many hands, too many cooks, and the political soup is hopelessly spoilt. The result is what the bureaucrats in charge tell us it was, and the courts can’t effectively intervene because they depend on the input of finders of fact who do not exist. The map below shows which states played the greatest roles in the whole vote-by-mail charade. Just for fun, compare this map to the ones above. Now you know the answer to how candidates who did not campaign engineered a massive increase in Dem voter turnout. And no hanging chads to worry about this time. Are you laughing yet?

And so here we are. Trump lost. The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS/CNN/MSNBC/ FoxNews bullhorn tell us so. The Department of Justice is otherwise engaged in shredding documents of their five years of coup attempts, and there is no way to prove the mass media majority wrong. They finally got their way. Who loses? We do.