Millennial Genius. Clear cut plagiarism.

That Moby is a genius, huh. Something he stole hook, line, and sinker. Does it bother any of you? No.

Commented on this back in 2013.

Happy are the millennials. They think writing is copying from Wikipedia. They think music is something involving tits and ass and reedy androgynous voices and hoarse macho homos from the hood. Long may they wave.

But music is forever. Stealing it isn’t the sin. Pretending you wrote it is.

I'm sure Herman Melville would be proud of you, Moby.

I’m sure Herman Melville would be proud of you, Moby.

Thinking right now of another descendant of a great seafaring man, a descendant who had no honor or dignity about him at all. If the shoe fits, wear it.

Yup. You are. The end.