1966 Mustang convertible. Most boring classic EVER.

1966 Mustang convertible. Most boring classic EVER.

Don’t even know where to start. My parents traded an infinitely cooler car for the first Mustang in 1965, which was a Ford Falcon with racier sheet metal and a 289 V-8. I hated it. I was 12. Old enough to know that it felt, looked, and was cheap.

Then the years rolled by, as they do, and gradually the Mustang became the indispensable accessory of every TV hero who was supposed to be seen as some kind of rebel against authority. Men and women both. If they were eccentric or down on their luck or on the side of the people against The Man, they invariably owned a clapped out 1966 Mustang convertible, always always red. The scriptwriter’s easiest exposition of character.

I can tell you my wife is sick to death of hearing me rail against this nonsensical trick. In the interest of full disclosure, I will admit I bought a five liter Mustang once, trying to replace a Chrysler 300 I’d given up for financial reasons years before. It was a joke. Where the Chrysler lived to spread its wings and run, the Mustang had to have spurs dug deep into its flanks. Oh really? You want to go fast? Oh well. I’ll try (grunting and protesting the whole way). And handling? Forget it. When the merest mist hit the pavement, the Mustang became the tail-happiest critter on earth. Simultaneous understeer and oversteer. What a treat. I got rid of it in less than two years.

I have nothing against anti-heroes. I just don’t think they should be cliches. There’s no way to stop the stream of seedy private eye shows on TV. Not even trying to do that. I’m just suggesting that some of them should drive something besides a junky 1966 Mustang convertible, red.

You’re all probably too upset about Iran and POTUS treason to think about this. Which is why I’ll end this here. But if you are interested, I’ll do a followup with nominations for replacement anti-hero cars.

Let me know if you have ideas of your own.

Facebook seems to be unhappy with me. When I post something against the presidential orthodoxy, it doesn’t show up on my newsfeed. Just how closely are we being monitored and controlled?

There’s still another path. You can always go directly to my current blog, which is called Instapunk Rules. Lots of fun stuff there.


Class will tell.

Sarah Silverman. Class will tell.

Did you know that March is Womyn’s History Month? Needless to say, they’ve been celebrating. Some highlights of the wit and wisdom they’ve shown since the same time last month.

Sarah Silverman volunteered to educate us men about how to resist our irresistible compulsion to rape every woman in sight. Pretty white of her I must say.

Especially given that Lena Dunham penned an outstandingly witty New Yorker article designed to instruct her sistren how to tell men from dogs. She lightened the blow by pretending she was only talking about Jewish men. Dogs have yet to organize their own victimization movement and identify their own triggers and micro aggressions. I’m nervous about what pit bulls and Rottweilers might have to say when they do.

Speaking of mad dogs, Hillary struck yet another blow for womyn’s absolute equality in the competitive field of politics by issuing a list of words, principally adjectives, that will not be tolerated during the upcoming campaign in which she can be expected to destroy all her opponents, male and female equally, after the fashion of her dynastic, one generation lineage of utter criminality. Just don’t say anything sexist. That would really piss her off.

Thing is, looking at womyn and noticing that they’re female remains one of the very worst things men can do, curse them. Why one of the leading womyn designers has announced a line of underwear for the superior sex that is intended to be decidedly unsexy. Or so she claims. You be the judge. Color us impressed but baffled.

I'm totally unsexed. How about you?

I’m totally unsexed. How about you?

Bold and groundbreaking as this offensive is, it’s not enough in the U.K. There, the lesbians are getting mad at straight womyn for appropriating their shapeless baggy clothes look. Apparently straight womyn have a duty to deflect hateful man stares away from the ones who find them even more offensive than radical feminists. One can only hope they’ll work it through without the kind of knock-down drag-out cat fight men find so erotic.

Actually, nothing is enough to satisfy womyn in the U.K. Here’s the lede from a recent article in the Washington Times.

A U.K. student feminism conference is asking attendees to refrain from clapping and use “jazz hands” instead so as to not trigger anxiety in others.

The National Union of Students (NUS) Women’s Campaign announced the clapping “ban” at the West Midlands conference on Twitter Tuesday, shortly after receiving a request from the Oxford University Women’s Campaign.

“Please can we ask people to stop clapping but do feminist jazz hands? it’s triggering some peoples’ anxiety. thank you!” Oxford representatives wrote.

In case you’re not completely conversant with what “jazz hands” are, here’s a brief tutorial.

I was thinking about waiting for the end of the month. But then, I got to thinking, you might mistake this post for an April Fool’s joke.

P.S. I should have known they’d save the best for last. Something about cats, which as you all know, I know nothing of.

Corpse Diplomacy.

Corpse Diplomacy.

Our chief negotiator, the senior administration official in a state of rigor too mortis to play Sunday golf, has closed the deal with the caliphate, leading purveyors of death on earth.

The news agency Agence France-Presse reports from Lausanne, Switzerland that Iran and the P5+1 powers (the five UN Security Council permanent members, plus Germany) have reached “provisional agreement” on the terms of nuclear deal.

Though the terms were not released as the news broke at roughly 9:15 a.m. EDT, the framework is thought to be generous to Iran, as the U.S. and other western nations had caved on key positions in the days leading up to a March 31 deadline.

Breitbart News had predicted that a deal would be reached Sunday, as the travel schedules of senior world leaders in Switzerland for the negotiations made it virtually impossible for all of them to be present after Sunday’s deliberations.

Something about the Brains Buffet in Nantucket scheduled for tomorrow. A can’t miss event.

All is well in Zombieland.

He starts in the litter box...

He starts in the litter box…

So. We have this tomcat who is the terror of the neighborhood. He stays out all night, comes home with the occasional limp and paws that need to be rewrapped after his bruising prizefights.

Can he be bothered to hunt down the mouse who has made our lives so annoying the last two days?

No. The mouse walks right in front of us. Begins at the litter box. Sashays across the rug. Gets in between the components of the stereo and stretches out for a nap. Goes underneath the door into the bathroom and acts like we’ve alarmed him when we go for a pill or a pee.

Boldly, we sentenced Elliott to spend the night in the media room, door closed, to finish off this menace. Five minutes ago, I saw Mr. Mouse in the bathroom again. Grrrr.

He's fast enough, predatory enough, and brutal enough. He's just not interested.

He’s fast enough, predatory enough, and brutal enough. He’s just not interested.

Time to go nuclear.

Muffs just for drafted. She doesn't care either.

Muffs just got drafted. She doesn’t care either.

And then the super-nuclear ultimate option: Scottish Deerhound.

He sees the mouse, he wants the mouse,  Waste of time. He doesn't have the energy for mouse play.

He sees the mouse, he wants the mouse. Waste of time. No energy for mouse play.

Guess we’re going to have to buy a trap.

The Power Behind the Throne

The Power Behind the Throne

If you’ve been wondering why Obama is actively selling out Israel while appeasing Iran, meditate on this:

“I am Iranian by birth and of my Islamic Faith. I am also an American citizen and seek to help change America to be a more Islamic country. My faith guides me and I feel like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself”

– Valerie Jarrett Stanford University 1977.

Clockmaker's house, c.1735 A.D.

Clockmaker’s house, c.1735 A.D.

Yeah. I was in Greenwich, New Jersey, where they had their own Tea Party about the same time Boston had theirs. They dumped it in the harbor. We burned it. There’s a monument to the burning.

The house I was in belonged to a clockmaker named Benjamin Reeve. Why the first floor was so much taller than the second.

A tall but a small house.

A tall but a small house.

Then, that morning, the TV was on with nobody watching and the phone rang. My stepdaughter cried out. It was her granddad who had called and her mother who pointed. One of the towers was on fire. As we watched, another plane hit. And the world changed forever in a moment.

My Boudica had a different experience, related here.

The same pup who challenged me to remember after I challenged him to remember saw no relevance in the fact that I remembered the Kennedy assassination, even though 9/11 happened to him at the same age the assassination happened to all of us. So I thought I would demonstrate the specifics of my memory. I was at school here.

My white privilege school.

My white privilege school.

It was 2:25 in the afternoon. Usually, we took the bus home. This day, though, my mother was waiting for us in our white privilege car.

We'd careened through Paris and the French Riciera in its car. We must have been something.

We’d careened through Paris and the French Riviera in this car. We must have been something.

“The president has been shot,” she said. She looked white. We went white. Probably our most white privilege moment ever. My sister got sick in the grass.

He was dead. And then everything changed forever.

Yes, she’s my favorite female athlete. Why? She’s determined not to lose. Because of this.

We didn't even get to the armbar yet.

We didn’t even get to the armbar yet.

Not because of this.

This one disappoints me a bit. Not a lot, but a little.

This one disappoints me a bit. Not a lot, but a little.

She’s 11-0 in the UFC now. Three videos you need to see. The first is as short as her last brutal fight.

14 seconds to victory.

Down immediately and out. Armbar.

The next two are a documentary about how her even tougher mother taught her how to fight.

Every woman and most guys are going to love this.

P.S. I’d have shown you the videos but Don King said no. Not really. My wife went to bed and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to use her new computer. Maybe you can see videos tomorrow. They really are sensational. Rhonda is hot stuff as a fighter. [CORRECTED: My wife woke up and did the embeds.]

I guess it’s time for me to admit something. I’ve outgrown Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. No matter how much I love Cate Blanchette. I love something else. The possible connections between philosophers and music. Because music is the secret of philosophy. More meaning in what Denyce Graves sings than most of what I read or reason. So I’ve made a few tentative stabs at correlating philosophers with music. First up, Nietzche, who wrote his own. Not necessarily good but tactically consistent. Repetition is everything. He thought everything repeated repeatedly, exactly. Sometimes I agree. But I’m not as smart as he was. Nobody is.

I know nobody wants to hear this, but philosophy and music are the same thing. Not crappy lyrics but the music of the spheres. Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart were the greatest of philosophers. They just weren’t speaking in words. Still. There were philosophers who did relentlessly speak in words. What did they sound like? Kant, for example. The really really smart, rational one. Like this.

Music as logic, difficult, complicated, brilliant, unsatisfying, unfulfilling.

One could go back to Plato, who saw shadows in a cave. He had a vision. And a huge question about the shadows he saw. Somebody realized it.

Even the Romans had a philosopher. Marcus Aurelius. He was what is called a stoic. Whatever happens, you accept. I think that’s how it works.

Sure, it hurts. But when it’s time to die, you just die.

Obviously, we’re skipping around. The opposite of Plato was Rousseau, who inspired the Marquis de Sade, unless it was the other way around.

Much (if not much) earlier we get the much smarter than Rousseau Voltaire. Who was more like me.

Which brings us pretty much up to date in philosophy, unless you count the Babe Ruth of philosophy. Christ. Sorry. Didn’t mean to swear.

Well. Sure I do. The Babe is the Babe. Isn’t he?


Read the rest of this entry »

We like to call this "les Chiens Chauds avec Poupon."

We like to call this “les Chiens Chauds avec Poupon.”

We’ve been getting an inferiority complex. Other FaceBookers are taking pictures of their dinner. Arugula and hummus with anchovies. Brussels Sprouts on a plate as if they were food. Raw fish with a becoming pyramid arrangement of vitamins. The peculiar food resembling crap Vegans eat.

Well, guess what. We eat too! Here’s tonight “cuisine au bas,” Elsinboro style. And it’s not always avec Poupon either. Sometimes it’s avec les Frenches. How sophisticated can you get?

It's called thinking out of the box. Something POTUS can't do.

It’s called thinking out of the box. Something POTUS can’t do.

You’ll have to click on the graphic to see its full magnificence. Do you need any explanation?

Oh, okay. Explanation for the proles. The NCAA tourney is a state of the art exemplar of our New American Way, which is called Crony Capitalism, College Program (CCCP). The submerged tenth battle each other tooth and nail for the right to be in the final. We root for underdogs and surprisingly (Ratings +++) underdogs win. Then we get down to the final, where we actually want to see the best against the best (Ratings ++++),

And there’s the Winner. The inveterate, always and forever Winner.

Any questions?



While we’re on the subject, it’s also odd what gets you started remembering. My wife, at this moment, is in a laundromat because our washer died and what with weather and physical ills, we haven’t bought a replacement. So she’s being (naturally) crabby with me as she watches clothes swirling around inside the washer window. I should be there with her, shame on me, but I got up too late and she was already raring to go.

So, after her departure, I made a lame attempt at empathy, trying to remember a laundromat past. I been there, don’t you worry. Trying not to look at women inspecting their undies after not enough time in the dryer. Don’t be calling me some elitist.

Except that my memory played one of its usual tricks on me. Here I am, visualizing a washing machine, and suddenly I remember another day when I was ten and on board a trans-Atlantic ocean liner that somehow stumbled into the middle of an honest-to-God hurricane. Which you could see through the cabin porthole. Washing machine on steroids.

Hurricane Beulah. 1963. You could look it up.

Hurricane Beulah. 1963. You could look it up.

We were on the Leonardo da Vinci, pride of the Italian fleet. Whose captain thought he would just ‘nudge’ Beulah and let it go past. Bad bad captaining.

What would Grace Kelly say? "She was yar."

What would Grace Kelly say? “She was yar.”

Nearly died that day. But that’s not the story today. I’ve been aboard three different ocean liners. Strong emotional bonds because I might have died in one of them. You have no idea what it’s like to sit on the floor and feel the ship lean into waves twice her height and wait, wait, for this suddenly frail monster to return to even keel. Again and again and again. For hours.

Aboard three of the greatest civilian maritime creations of the twentieth century. And all of them are now dead, pathetic hulks.

The Leonardo is gone forever, gorgeous as she was.



I was a first class passenger on the first Queen Elizabeth Cunard liner. Had rice Crispies served with pure cream. Heaven. She’s a side-lying hulk in the east somewhere.

It hurts to look.

It hurts to look.

I was also a visitor on the SS United States, a farewell party for friends of my parents who were also sailing from Genoa. She was the fastest ocean liner ever. Now she’s a shameful, rotting wreck in the harbor of Philadelphia. I wrote about her. Because she makes me feel ancient.

The sorrow of mortality.

The sorrow of mortality.

These titanic (yes) creations are more vulnerable than a human being. But human beings have the capacity to remember and grieve. Which I’m doing now. Through the porthole of a washing machine at a laundromat in Pennsville NJ. Isn’t life the best of all comedies?

Sometimes memory is completely accurate.

Sometimes memory is completely accurate.

The Internet is amazing. Sometimes you think your childhood past is actually an invented thing. I was trying to explain to my wife — recent convert to Formula 1 racing — about the Vineland Speedway in south Jersey. Tried to frame what it was like to drive in the entrance, which had a, to me, spectacular marquee featuring a dead Kaiser Frazier atop a simple sign. Then, lo and behold, I found the photo above. Exactly as I remembered it.

I’d been teasing her about F1 drivers past, quizzing her about which ones were still alive and which had perished in the world’s most dangerous sport. I mean, if you’re going to plight a troth of this sort, you should know the bodies on which it is built. Because there are a lot of bodies.

The memory of one of the dead drivers propelled me back to the Vineland Speedway, where I experienced many wondrous things as a child in the early 1960s. Events aplenty. Sights, certainly. But also the keenest triggers memory has — smells. Two stand out. In the bleacher seats at the Speedway, the comforting, enfolding aroma of cherry pipe tobacco, which neither of the pipe smokers in my family could stomach. But to my ten year old nose it was beatific.

But cherry tobacco can’t hold a candle to the other smell, which in my mind is still the single best smell I have ever smelled, including you know what. It was that good, that arousing, that magnificent. It’s called Castrol R. A racing motor oil made of castor beans.

No other intoxicant compares.

No other intoxicant compares.

On the Sundays when there was sports car racing at Vineland Speedway, the air was pregnant with Castrol R heated to a racing temperature. I won’t describe it because no one can. Just think of it as heroin for the nose. Why it’s the sensory trigger it is. A friend of mine and I bought a Norton motorcycle together and put the miraculous lubricant into its crankcase just so we could have the olfactory experience again. It’s not good mechanical practice. If you’re not using the motor more or less continuously, it turns into a whitish gel that gums up the works. But we were young and couldn’t resist.

Where was I? Just past the entrance, off a nondescript and cluttered highway called Route 47, was the parking lot. Orange gravel, no painted lines, just cars of people there for the races. But such cars. License plates from all over the eastern seaboard. How could they even know to come here, to a backwoods track in Vineland, NJ? But here they were. Austin Healeys, MGAs, Morgans, Lotus 7s, even Bentleys and Rolls Royces. And this, which was for me an imprinting experience, the first time I laid eyes on the brand new, heretofore only rumored, masterpiece called the XKE.

Exactly the same as the car I fell fatally in love with. Except there was no grass. Just orange gravel.

Exactly the same as the car I fell fatally in love with. Except there was no grass. Just orange gravel.

You thought I was going to talk racing? I will. The track was narrow and short, although there was a stretch out of sight of the stands. Suspense. Who would be in the lead when they emerged from the hidden part. When I was young I didn’t know the track was short. In my teenage years, though, my friend of the Castrol R fixation and I found the shut down circuit (now part of a community college campus) and ran it in his XKE. Unbelievably narrow, unbelievably tight, with an unbelievably nasty chicane. About there, we hit a dirt bike rider who had the same idea we did. He was unhurt. We shook hands and went our separate ways.

The only real straightaway was immediately in front of the stands. That’s where I saw the first SCCA showdown between a 289 Cobra and a Corvette. Both cars were way too much for such a tinsel track. The Corvette actually had better handling (who’d a thunk it?) and led on the first lap into the straightaway. Then the Cobra thing happened. The driver pressed the accelerator and devoured the Corvette within the first two hundred yards. Never looked back. Never had to.

I saw other things on the Speedway track. Before there was Danica there was Janet Guthrie. Before there was Janet Guthrie, there was Donna Mae Mims.

Yes she was. Donna Mae.

Yes she was. Donna Mae.

We saw her at the Vineland Speedway. And, yes, back in those dark and oppressive male chauvinist days, we cheered for her like the dickens. Not ironically at all. We wanted her to win. Which she did. The first female SCCA champion in history. The past is not always what you’ve been taught it is.

Imagine. Us flyover hicks from the Jersey backwoods rooting our hearts out for a woman in the most dangerous, most manliest life and death sport. Can't do it? Sorry for you.

Imagine. Us flyover hicks from the Jersey backwoods rooting our hearts out for a woman in the most dangerous, most manliest life and death sport. Can’t do it? Sorry for you.

Saw other things you wouldn’t expect in the backwoods either. There was the driver in an Elva Courier with the number ‘000.’ He was simply beyond compare.

Sometimes even hicks get to see genius at work. Guess what. We know it when we see it.

Sometimes even hicks get to see genius at work. Guess what. We know it when we see it.

The races were typically 25 laps. Triple-Zero typically lapped every other car in the race, meaning he began in the lead and then overtook every car behind him before the race was over. The driver was named Mark Donohue. How this post got started. I asked my wife how many drivers I had seen in person died on the track eventually. He’s the one.

Funny. In those long lost years I also had the good fortune to travel the course of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix, because my dad was almost as crazy about racing as I was, but that’s a faint and, well, unconvincing memory to me now, because there was no cherry pipe tobacco, no Castrol R, and no local sense of identity about it. It was just a stunt we pulled. The Vineland Speedway was life being lived the way I’ve always wanted to live it.

N.B. Explaining the asterisk above. SCCA stands for Sports Car Club of America. One of the future champions who raced at Vineland was this guy.

Can't think of his name offhand, but he was nearly as good, or at least in the approximate ballpark, with Steve McQueen.

Can’t think of his name offhand, but he was nearly as good, or at least in the approximate ballpark, with Steve McQueen.

P.S. Another question my wife flunked. Who’s the driver who invented the tradition of spraying everybody with Champagne after a big win?

Dan Gurney

Dan Gurney

Like all people who value education, she’s glad to learn about Dan. And she thinks he was better looking than both Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. He coulda shoulda been a movie star.

Harvard. Yale. Brilliant.

Harvard. Yale. Brilliant.

I love this guy.

Charles “Chuck” Lane (born 1961) is an American journalist and editor who is an editorial writer for The Washington Post and a regular guest on Fox News Channel. Lane was the lead editor of The New Republic from 1997 to 1999. After the New Republic, Lane worked for the Post, where, from 2000 to 2009, he covered the Supreme Court of the United States[1][2] and judicial system issues. He has since joined the newspaper’s editorial page.

They put him on the panel at Fox News Special Report, and I swear he is the perfect personification of the ‘objective’ mainstream media. He is so articulate, so plausible, and indistinguishable from a block of wood. There is nothing of reality that can ever penetrate his knowing face and dead eyes. Every time he appears I am amazed at his ability to perceive nothing of reality, hear nothing of the superior intellects around him, and still seem so satisfied with himself. Krauthammer makes a monkey of him and he just swivels his big face to a different camera angle, smiling all the while.

He’s my MSM hero. Harvard College, Yale Law School, and his perspicacity is exactly equal to that of Cat Deeley on Dancing with the Stars. He has absolutely no idea that he’s nothing but a smooth dunce, turning his majestic head toward the camera and intoning nonsense.

I’m in awe. The closest I can get to Arbus on TV. Don’t ask me who Arbus is. His defensive but knowing daughter will get mad at me.

The briefest, most tragic love of my life.

The briefest, most tragic love of my life.

Aaah. Young love. The movie was the Road Warrior. She had no lines. I fell for her as she battled atop the tanker for the life of human civilization. She was blonde, beautiful, and ferocious. And then they killed her.

When I should have known that we really were in peril. Actually, I guess I did. I’ve never gotten over her. And neither should you. Because she’s in our future.

Do you have a favorite extra?

If there were any justice, Chief Dan George would have gotten an Oscar for The Outlaw Josie Wales.

If there were any justice, Chief Dan George would have gotten an Oscar for The Outlaw Josie Wales.

I’m famous, with my wife at least, for being intractably unwilling to watch movies a second time. Once you know how the plot turns out, why bother? Never felt that way about books when I was young. Dozens that I read multiple times. But I’m not young anymore. And movies tend to be Point A to Point Q or S kind of stuff. If they ever got to Z maybe you could stand watching again. Maybe a lot of you are the same way.

But even I have movies that fall into a special category. If you happen across them while channel flipping, you fall into them and watch them to the end. They don’t have to be the best movies. They’re just the most seductive ones. “I’ll wait till this next great scene.” Then, “The next great scene will be in just a few more minutes.” And finally, “Oh hell. In for a Penny, in for a pound. I’ll stay to the end.”

Saw one last night I hadn’t realized had made this rare list. The Outlaw Josie Wales.

Others? On the Waterfront. Scarface. Die Hard. Fort Apache. Shane. The Big Sleep. Casablanca. There may be others, but it’s a short list.

How about you? Be strict with yourselves. Not movies you like and have on DVD. Only movies you keep getting sucked into because you suddenly discover them playing on TV, even if it’s past your bedtime.

I know nobody’s reading this, but I guess this is another kind of confession. The power of certain films to reach out of the box and grab you by the throat.

So give me your confessions. There’s a special place in movie eternity for phenomena like this. Help me document it. Or don’t.

Life changing lessons for men

Life changing lessons for men

File this under the category of things married men learn AFTER they’re married. Guys watch Duck Dynasty, Top Shot, and Bad Girls Club. They never watch Say Yes to the Dress, which is about women trying to find the right wedding dress. They should definitely, absolutely watch this show long before they rent the Jumbotron at the Meadowlands to propose to their chosen helpmeet.

There’s a lot to wade through in getting to the lessons. Oceans of estrogen secreted by brides, mothers, mothers-in-law, bitchy controlling sisters, bitchy controlling gay fashionista ‘friends,’ and even bullying fathers. But the lessons are there, both hopeful and cautionary.

1. This is the best and most important lesson. They show the bride awaiting her shopping experience. More often than not (not always) she’s quite attractive. They ask her about the groom. She always says he’s her best friend and the only person she could imagine spending her life with. Then we get a picture of him. Lordy, Lordy, Lordy. They’re ugly, fat, slovenly, and are usually wearing a backwards baseball cap. Apparently, any guy with a functioning heart and lungs can find an attractive woman willing to marry him. At the end of the show, they always screen clips of an actual wedding. And the guy, often as not, is wearing sneakers with his lame tuxedo. LESSON: Don’t give up. Even a slob like you can get lucky.

2. Pay attention to the mothers, sisters, and aunts and grandmothers. They have far more influence than the anticipated groom does. They cow her, intimidate her into changing her mind even about what she absolutely loves, reduce her to tears, and sometimes make her run away from the most important decision confronting her at the moment. LESSON: Before you pop the question, make sure you know who the women in your intended’s life are. They can and will kill you if you let them.

3. Pay attention to the men too. The bossy brothers, possessive papas, and gay guides, er, confidantes. They can do you in too before you’re even aware of them. Very important to find out about these influences before you walk down the aisle. LESSON: You think because you’re compatible in bed and on the couch in front of a cool DVD you’re the big man in her life. Ha!

4. Just because you love and desire and like her doesn’t mean she would make you, or anyone, a good wife. Most often, for very good reason, they ban the groom from the wedding dress shopping. The ones who insist on being there are invariably controlling assholes no girl should marry and you can see the future domestic abuse calls to 911 right there on the entourage couch. But that shouldn’t obscure what the brides show about themselves in the shopping process. Some of them are completely impossible — budget busting narcissists, hopelessly indecisive Barbie dolls who should never mother children, preening sluts who would rather show off their boobs to one and all than honor the impending ceremony or their husbands, tattooed trash with no taste and no sense of anything beyond a sense of escape from a bad early life to the home run of a husband, whoever he is. LESSON: Be very careful you really know who and what you’re marrying.

5. There are good women, sweet, genuinely in love, ready to make or renew vows with lifetime partners, knowing full well what that means. These women, not all of them naturally beautiful, are life’s great prizes. Amazingly, when they find the right dress, and put on the veil and tiara, and weep with love and joy, they are nevertheless beautiful. LESSON: find one of these women, propose in private, and spend the rest of your life trying to live up to her.

Here endeth the lessons. Say yes to watching ‘Say Yes to the Dress.’

Don't want to belong to any movement that would have as a member.

Don’t want to belong to any movement that would have as a member.

This will be after the fashion of Jay Nordlinger’s Impromptus, with no attempt at transitions and thereby enduring the risk of seeming to be stringing non sequiturs together. So be it.

I really do get some of the lefties’s points. Where to begin?

When the Arab Spring started, I suspected what it would lead to, namely dissolution of whatever stability existed in the Middle East. But given what has eventuated from Obama’s essentially isolationist policy in foreign affairs, I find myself agreeing that putting “American boots on the ground” against ISIS is a waste of time. I’m for defending Israel, with nuclear weapons if necessary, but as to the rest of it, the barbarian regimes of the Middle East have made their own bed and they can lie in it. The American people are tired of war, or more precisely, they are tired of wars their government will not support to any successful conclusion. Too much blood shed for victories that are rendered meaningless by self-serving politicians.

I can understand why black people are mad at the police and the criminal justice system. My quarrel is not as much with their indignation as with their methods. I’m a Jersey motorhead. None of us likes the cops. Some are okay. Many are thugs, not necessarily racist but control freaks who like strutting around with guns and bullying people. I believe the DOJ’s report about the Ferguson police department. The Michael Brown affair was a spark that lit waiting tinder. My biggest problem is with politicians who fanned those first sparks into flaming riots and police murders. That was a cynical and unforgivable tactic by a party that is absolutely in the pocket of attorneys who prosecute selectively, unethically, probably illegally, and for the exclusive purpose of building their own political careers and wallets.

Income inequality has become grotesque. Corporate CEO’s are overpaid by factors of ten or higher. Their pay rises as they collude with lobbyists and politicians to eliminate the risk that is supposed to be the basis for reward in a capitalist system. Wall Street really is the epicenter of this phenomenon. I dropped out of graduate business school because I didn’t want to become an officer in the army of those who make nothing and profit by manipulating those who do make things. I met those guys when they were in training. Cynical, selfish, worthless, despite expensive educations that should have taught them better. I just don’t think the answer to the problem is letting the government that connives with robber barons decide who can make how much or who should make at least this much. That’s just more power to the same crooks.

I understand the frustrations and desire for assistance of our astoundingly high population of single mothers. I think of them, all of them, as lost little girls. They’ve been sold a bill of goods. Keep the iPod earbuds in, ignore your own parents, and do whatever the hell you want. That’s liberation, right? That’s freedom, right. Wrong. But there is no law government can pass that will lay down the necessary rules. No, don’t marry an ex-con who will beat you the day after your wedding. No, don’t be careless or promiscuous about premarital sex; someday the condom will break. No, don’t divorce him the first time you realize that your life is not a Disney movie.

So much is broken in our culture, and has been for such a long time, that I also understand the craving for unfettered abortion rights. I get the resentment of men that hard-core feminists have. But it still does take two to tango, and there’s no government in the history of governments that can repeal the anatomical certainty of woman’s greater stake in pregnancy than man’s. I would love to see a lessening of personal pain, blighted lives of both women and children, but I disagree that abortion is the answer. Better behavior is. That makes me a prig, a chauvinist, and an apologist for the predator sex, I know, but these are issues civilization has been grappling with since before recorded human history.

Yet I also recognize the contradictions in conservative positions that even the left finds hard to surface because of the contradictions in its own positions. We conservatives are choleric about fatherless families among the poor, even as we insist that abortion is never an answer. Well, it is an answer in all too many instances. Only problem being, it begins to look like Sanger-esque eugenics when the overwhelming percentage of abortions occur among the poor. That’s the liberal contradiction. If you want social justice, how is it justice that so many poor babies are killed are on their way out of the womb? Neither side has bellied up to this dilemma.

I even get the Hating America pose of so many leftists. They may not know it it, but their animus is an outgrowth of American exceptionalism. If we’re really the best that ever was, how can there be so much injustice? We have to fix this and this and this. The irony is that the precedent for this kind of constant, grinding self criticism arises from exactly the group that they are presently coalescing to hate as much as they seem to hate America: the Jews. It’s part of the Talmudic tradition to go back and back and back to quibble, quarrel, and otherwise question absolutely everything that’s supposed to be written in stone. Why not even Israel is unanimous about its own right to exist. Problem is, the ancient government which spawned this tradition was led by authoritarian kings. Why the contemporary left is so in love with authoritarian answers to human problems. Again, I understand the impulse and the origins, but I disagree profoundly with the methods and proposed answers.

Immigration. Hospitality to strangers is also a Biblical postulate. I sympathize with the desire. But the notion that you should let strangers despoil your own families is ultimately suicidal.

Gay marriage? Try as I might, I can’t get too worked up about anything but it’s hypocrisies. I have no desire to punish homosexuals. But I despise their insistence on requiring by law that we all have to subjugate our religious and other faiths to their whims. That doesn’t make me a homophobe. If anything, it makes me a vandalphobe. Don’t tell me I have to love a lifestyle I believe is wrong. And don’t force me to imagine or see what you do in bed with each other. But if you want two brides in wedding dresses or two grooms in tuxedos, I really truly don’t care at all as long as there is no legal requirement to attend the ceremony.

Well, I could go on, and maybe I’ll add more later on. But my point is that it’s wrong of leftists to think no conservatives ever understand their penchant and ideals. And it’s wrong of conservatives to think there’s no good that can come out of intensive debate. Who’s more wrong that there’s no debate at all but only opposing armies? As a conservative I admit I blame the left more than the right, but I also admit I blame both sides.

Mercedes Petronas

Mercedes Petronas

The Australian Grand Prix is completed. Winner: Lewis Hamilton. Runner up, the German Rosberg. The Brit sportscasters seem disappointed that Hamilton is picking up right where he left off last year. They led off their pre-race show with a ten minute paean to Rosberg. Like this was finally supposed to be his year with Mercedes.

Actually, Lady Laird and I didn’t know Hamilton was Jewish. (Oh. He isn’t?) Regardless, she’s delighted, as am I. He led from pole to finish line. And pretty soon now, we’ll be over it and go to bed.

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