There is no one who will proclaim more earnestly and lovingly than I that Paris is beautiful. But beauty is fleeting.

There is no one who will proclaim more earnestly and lovingly than I that Paris is beautiful. But beauty is fleeting.

Beauty can be turned into a repulsive stew in a moment. Lights out.
Been to Paris a few times myself. Never saw this. Never want to. But night comes to all. Just, please, do not go gentle into it.

Bon soir, mes amis.

Ainsi ça va

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.

My wife loves this clip from Madagascar. It reminds her of Muffy dancing, which she’s always done when she’s busting out of her crate for breakfast or dinner. But when you try to take a picture, she does this.



Reality is, she’s more like this.

[Behind the scenes, we had ourselves a little contest. My better half was supposed to get video of Muffy dancing, which she does with great gusto and celerity. I was supposed to get video of Rikki Tikki Tavi looking his most deerlike. {Which I have now done. Check me FB page, mate. Oi win, eh?}]

No explanation needed. His name is Rikki Tikki Tavi.

No explanation needed. His name is Rikki Tikki Tavi.

And even I don't know what all that means.

None of you know what that means.

She tried at least. But there is only one Doctor Dream.

I’m the son of Iapetus.

I don’t die. Not ever.

Not gonna happen.

Not gonna happen.

Quin Hillyer. Another National Review know-it-all.

Quin Hillyer. Another National Review know-it-all.

Quin knows better. Or he did before Paris last night.

Quin knows better. Or he did before Paris last night. Loved the part about “knowing more than the Generals.” Right. That’s what sank Lincoln’s career, right? Except maybe not even Lincoln’s lame predecessor fired ALL the fighting generals.

Answer. Let’s revile and despise and dismiss him. His commenters overwhelmingly agree.

He knows nothing about anything. People really want Jeb or Rubio. Reasonable men. They just don't know it.

He knows nothing about anything. People really want Jeb or Rubio. Reasonable men. They just don’t know it. Unless they don’t want sweet and reasonable any more.

Maybe The People are tired of candy asses who don't stand up for them anywhere, anytime.

Maybe The People are tired of candy asses who don’t stand up for them anywhere, anytime. Maybe they don’t want America in a Global Versoion of the EU with a 12,000,000 word constitution, fake crises like Global Warming, and utter loss of control over their children and their future..

Yeah the drumbeat. Hear it if you're still capable of listening to something other than your own chords of ego.

Yeah the drumbeat. Hear it if you’re still capable of listening to something other than your own chords of ego.

Bottom line. Those of you who know me know I never use that term. Using it on account of Trump. Quin Hillyer is an admirable man who is a Reagan/Santorum Republicam. Dulce et decorum est.

But there is no more decorum. The lefties have swept all that away. The coarseness and venality of Trump strike broad parts of the electorate as honesty. And his message is simple. Stop Illegal immigration. And bomb the shit out of Isis. Like it or not, this registers with a lot of people the cognoscenti look down on.

It always hurts when longtime relationships go sour.

But you gotta do what you gotta do.

But you gotta do what you gotta do.

Been puzzling over this. Can’t figure it out.

Guess you got me on that one, boss.

Guess you got me on that one, boss.

Locked Away.

Fitzgerald said, a writer is many people. Here are a few of mine.

Who I really am.

Go witcha.

How big a problem is this and what should we do about it?

From my Hotair source:

Exit question via Ashe Schow: Is there any other group that could safely be lampooned on TV with a list like this? Besides whites, I mean.

Who the hell knows.

Could have been comedy. It wasn't.

Could have been comedy. It wasn’t.

All right. So it was a real debate. The moderators were not trying to score points. The questions were specific and policy oriented. No cheap shots. For maybe the first time in my life I saw candidates answering questions about what they think, what they would do, and why they should be president.

They all did well. They all got the chance to make the case for their candidacy. They got to mix it up with each other. But 90 percent of the discussion was about real stuff. You could see that all of them had some vision about what the presidency is and how they would approach it.

Only downside. Nothing about girlfriends, illegitimate children, unreimbursed trips on corporate jets, high school hijinks, or misremembered college pranks. And no Megyn Kelly and her shark eyes boring in from her upper East Side life to make every candidate feel small.

Right now, she's commenting on a debate that makes hers look like Jaws 4.

Right now, she’s commenting on a debate that makes hers look like Jaws 4.


Why can’t we have this every time? Oh. Yeah. The MSM are 100 percent devoted to killing Republicans.

…but no one’s answering the phone. It just rings and rings.

Thinking the technology isn’t quite there yet. Unless it’s a personnel issue.

Maybe somebody didn't pay the answering service.

Maybe somebody didn’t pay the answering service.

From the U.K. Daily Mail:

Investigation into Hillary’s email server focuses on Espionage Act and could get her 10 years in jail as FBI agent says she could be prosecuted just for failing to tell Obama

Federal law makes it a crime for security clearance holders to fail to tell superiors when ‘gross negligence’ causes a security breach

FBI agent tells about Hillary Clinton: ‘The secretary’s superior is the President of the United States’

‘So unless he were aware of what she was doing when she was doing it, it seems there could be a legal problem [for her]’

Obama was asked Sunday on ’60 Minutes’ if he knew at the time that Clinton was running a home-brew email server; he replied, ‘No’…

The federal Espionage Act includes a provision that criminalizes ‘gross negligence’ by officials charged with safeguarding national defense information.

… from 18 U.S. Code § 793 – Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer —
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
Separately, the law’s text makes a criminal of any security clearance holder who fails to notify his or her ‘superior officer’ when a breach of security occurs through such negligence.

‘If investigators conclude that the former secretary [Clinton] was criminally careless in how she approached the security of the sensitive documents in her possession, then this part of the law could be used to prosecute her,’ the agent said, on condition of anonymity.

‘”Gross negligence” just means “serious carelessness”,’ he clarified.

His voice became more deliberate and quiet when asked him to address the notification clause in what is technically known as ’18 USC 793.’
‘The secretary’s superior is the President of the United States,’ the FBI agent noted.

‘So unless he were aware of what she was doing when she was doing it, it seems there could be a legal problem [for her].’

The FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server is focusing on whether she violated the Espionage Act – especially the ‘gross negligence’ portions of the statute – according to a report Thursday from the Fox News Channel

The law applies to ‘any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense’ – even if it’s not considered ‘classified.’

It calls for a 10-year prison sentence for anyone convicted of ‘gross negligence’ that permits such information to be ‘removed from its proper place.’

HillaryCom 2.0. The order's been placed, but it hasn't been deliver by the Post Office yet.

HillaryCom 2.0. The order’s been placed, but it hasn’t been delivered by the Post Office yet.

He just meditates a lot.

He just meditates a lot.

Contrary to rumors being promulgated by the MSM. He can still do Zero-to-forty-five in one second flat. Just so you know.

No, he won’t be running anymore. According to Breitbart, he’ll be plunging into the sleaziest of worlds:

American Pharoah is set to make $40 million on stud fees during his first year in retirement.

The racehorse became the first ever Grand Slam winner—winning the Triple Crown (Kentucky Derby, Preakness, Belmont) and the Breeders’ Cup Classic—this year and will command “a price of $200,000 per live foal,” according to reports.

Poor guy.

Poor guy.

Secret Weapon. Self-deprecating sense of humor.

Secret Weapon. Self-deprecating sense of humor.

Yes, he’ll get a bump in the polls. He’s funny. He knows how to do this. Some of the best comedy writing to come out of SNL in years. Can’t imagine the production meetings. “This is going to help him.” Egad. “Yes, but we can’t resist. It’s too sweet to pass up.”

And so it was. He allowed himself to be mocked and impersonated. He got to take credit for an impossible series of positive events in his first year of presidency, while acknowledging that those outcomes were unlikely. He made SNL The Trump Show, against all odds, and he probably showed exactly how and why he can become president. He takes his quest seriously but not himself. An unusual combination.

Not really. But it makes a great story for the women.

But it helps if you have a rapt audience. Which I obviously did.

You can see how moved he was. My wife was moved enough to throw a can of condensed tomatoes at my head. She's a lefty and Not a very good shot.

You can see how moved he was. My wife was moved enough to throw a can of condensed tomatoes at my head. She’s a lefty and Not a very good shot.

You can see why men rarely venture into the emotional realm. Doesn’t work out as a rule.

The most obnoxious university fight song. You know, the one that makes you grit your teeth and shout every curse word you know when there’s a score and the band plays that execrable excuse for music with too much brass and zero compositional talent.

There are only two candidates. My word is definitive. Been here for more than six decades. I know.

Boston University.

University of Michigan. The fanfare.

Vote now and often.

Oops. A late nomination. Seminoles War Chant.

Asked my wife, “Wouldn’t you get tired of hearing it?” She said, “Not if I were a Seminole.” I think I would. I mean, there’s no Quaker war chant, is there?

P.S. Now here’s a fight song done right, complete with a bunch of self-congratulating made-up Latin!

It’s called not taking yourself too seriously.

Strange. I always know when I’m the subject of conversation. This time I’m not. Life is much more interestinger than that.

I guess we were.

In a nostalgic mood tonight. P.G. Wodehouse only wrote about 94 novels and twice that many short stories. He taught the greatest satirist of the twentieth century how to write dialogue. Why, in this age when satire can’t work anymore because life has become a bigger joke than literature can mock, I felt compelled to return to the Wodehouse roots. Just for fun.

Jeeves and the Song of Songs

Tuppy is on the verge of becoming betrothed to Cora Bellinger and describes his plan to win her heart. He will sing at a concert where Cora will also be singing.

Aunt Dahlia tells Bertie that Tuppy is breaking her daughter Angela’s heart with his dalliance with Cora Bellinger. Jeeves outlines his plan to discredit Tuppy in the eyes of Cora Bellinger. The gist of the plan is that Bertie will also sing at the concert, just before Tuppy, and he will sing the same song, “Sonny Boy.” The audience will be completely bored with the same song being sung twice and Tuppy’s performance will be a flop. .

Jeeves persuades Tuppy to prepare for his performance by going to a neighboring pub so that Tuppy won’t know how many people have already sung “Sonny Boy.”


Back when we had a nation.

My mother told me the exact moment Frank Sinatra’s career ended. It was during the performance of Ol’Man River above in the 1940s. Of course, she always preferred Dick Haymes (Sorry, Ma, but I have to tell the truth. Anybody out there even heard of him?) and, of course, F. Scott Fitzgerald who famously said there are no second acts in American life was long dead by then. So he didn’t have to eat any crow when Sinatra came roaring back from oblivion to become the biggest singing star EVAH!!!

Now the media are trying to take out Ben Carson. Because that’s who they are. Here’s the story.


No, Ben Carson Didn’t Lie About West Point. It’s Another Media Hit Job.

Never underestimate the capacity of the media to propagandize against Republicans.

That’s the theme of this morning’s overwrought news coverage on Dr. Ben Carson’s supposed “lie” regarding a “scholarship” to West Point. The story began with Politico, which ran with the audacious headline, “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.” Even I was taken in by the headline – after all, that’s a pretty bold claim!

Politico began thusly:

Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

The key word here is “fabricated.” Did the Carson campaign admit any such thing? Absolutely not. The facts reported by Politico don’t even support this interpretation of the Carson campaign’s response. According to Politico, Carson said in his 1992 memoir Gifted Hands that he was offered a “full scholarship” to West Point after dining with General William Westmoreland in 1969. Here’s the relevant passage from Carson’s autobiography:

At the end of my twelfth grade I marched at the head of the Memorial Day parade. I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, We had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.

That’s the entire relevant portion of Carson’s account. He reiterated that account last month in an interview with Charlie Rose, when he said, “I was offered a full scholarship at West Point, got to meet General Westmoreland and go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners. But decided really my pathway would be medicine.”

Politico followed up on this story. They reported one additional piece of information that seems to conflict with Carson’s story: Carson never applied to West Point, and was never extended admission.

But Carson never said he applied. He said he was extended a full scholarship offer. What’s more, West Point doesn’t offer scholarships: all admission is free contingent on serving in the military afterwards. It thus seems probable that Westmoreland or another military figure tried to recruit Carson, telling him that he wouldn’t have to pay for his education – and that Carson read that as a “full scholarship,” and never applied.


But if they thought they could take out Trump, don’t you think they’d already have done it?

We can get away, we can get away…

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