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Easy to say it’s all show business. But it’s worse than that. Nowadays, it’s the politicians who are paid actors with remarkably little script approval. After all, their jets are waiting. It’s the media who are desperate hangers-on, hoping for an invitation to the correspondents dinner.

Nothing that transpires in national politics is real. Everybody false, everybody a polished performer. Turn on the cameras, make it happen, dude, and tell the women and horses to stay out of the way. If you don’t know who I am, you better learn quick.

Except that it’s all horsecrap. None of these guys knows anything. Everytime John Kerry speaks as Secretary of State I want to throw up. That bad. The Cabinet, agency heads, and other federal bosses are a row of idiots. A complete gallery of malicious morons. I don’t even know if Obama thinks he can play chess, and I know only the moves of the pieces, but I can still kick his ass. Contrary to seven years of effusive PR, I can state with confidence he’s not all that smart. There’s no intellect or learning of any kind in the O realm.

Governing in this administration is only about whose ass you should be kissing. Nobody knows anything, nobody reads anything, nobody ever thinks about anything. Nobody is ever accountable for anything.

But the pundits and the new media keep pretending that John Kerry knows how to change a tire. He doesn’t. His wife doesn’t care. She has a filipino houseboy to do that for her. Why rich people are so happy. Why incredibly stupid rich people do incredibly stupid things in public. Like being Secretary of State when you have no idea what just happened in the world, why, or how it could possibly be your responsibility. All of this on the off chance some chick might sleep with you before your cock falls off. Which the reporters from NYT and WAPO have been just dying to do. There’s nothing they find sexier than an old, wooden, botox-deadened face in a corpse-like body which is almost certain to give women as much pleasure as a splintered oak firelog. Not to mention a firelog’s exquisite powers of conversation. From France, of course. Sad, pitiful, stupid old man. Even sadder, some of them will offer a nest to his ancient dwindling twig.

After they do, of course, he will simply add another mark to the competitive wall he set up with Teddy Kennedy. For real men, such competitions don’t end because a rival kicks the bucket. They end when you have nailed everyone on the political reporting staff of the major newspapers and the major news networks.

Was it good for you sweetheart?

It was great for me. We call it acting. The only thing we fucking do. Can you get me a latte?

All right. You progressives hate America. Enough of this death by a million cuts. Just go ahead and do it. Kill America dead. The most effective policies aren’t hard to figure out, even for us righty troglodytes.

Every major agency of the federal government, and increasingly every municipal police department, has its own SWAT team. Turn them loose to carry out your fondest wishes.

Find and burn every copy of the U.S. Constitution in the land. You know you’ve always wanted to. Forget rewriting it. The idea of a law you can’t remake in accord with your newest post-modern whim has never been your long suit, has it? Enjoy the bonfire. Bring marshmallows. Vegan marshmallows, mind.

Round up all white heterosexual males registered Republican or Independent under the age of 60. Put them in a reeducation camp. Castrate them. End the Conservative War on Women (and such) once and for all. Enough with the speech codes, the micro-aggressions, the talk of triggers, the endless blather about marriage, the bullshit contraception controversies, the end of any more need for angry homosexual and transgender exhibitionism and the resultant hysterical tantrums. Just cut their balls off. All done. Then women and such will be free to be women and such. uh, mostly.

Round up all the pro-life Christians and put them in a reeducation camp. Import thousands of Jihadists to behead or crucify them all. No need to instruct them on how to handle the nazi Palestinian-holocausting zionists. Just point.

Bronze the Congressional Black Caucus. That way you’ll always have them the way they are now, photogenic and compliant, and as perpetual as a gerrymandered district in congress.

Will that accomplish all your goals? By no means. You’ve got this sense of mission about reducing the carbon footprint. You don’t just hate America. You hate humanity. So. Do it. Make abortion compulsory for all white women. Or just tie their tubes. Margaret Sanger knew everything you need to know about sterilizing the undesirables. Don’t stop there, though. Round up all the scientists who are climate change deniers, put them in a reeducation camp, and lobotomize them all. Then castrate them too.

Use ObamaCare to perform compulsory euthanasia on all white people 60 and older. That’ll make a dent, eh?

Who have we got left? Your treasured, persecuted minorities. They can do what they like, given the confines of the 100 percent tax rate, which ensures a continuation of the fine living enjoyed by your legions of government bureaucrats who nominally serve dependents by ignoring their needs utterly and devastating the urban areas where the majority of them presently live. Important exception though. Remember your fiery convictions about gun control? Anyone caught owning a firearm must be executed immediately by firing squad. Including all members of the evil U.S. Military.

Now we’re starting to get somewhere. It’s called thinning the herd. The carbon footprint will be cut by two thirds. All inconvenient dissent will be silenced. There can be no possible future for the racist patriarchy of this ill begotten nation because there will be no children, at least none that long survive. The great Mother Earth will be far better off.

Details. Shut down the Internet completely. (Yes, you progressive luminaries can keep your cellphones, as long as they keep working.) Shut down all newspapers but the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Sun-Times, and the L.A. Times. Shut down all broadcast and cable television except for The Glorious Presidential Golf Channel. Something the newly green laborers in the agricultural fields — er, everyone who doesn’t work for the government once the cities collapse — can enjoy after a long day of growing organic vegetables fertilized by human excrement. Once a week they can see an informative message movie starring Matt Damon or George Clooney. As long as they hose off the human fertilizer first. Oh. Forgot. No more domestic animals either. Time to end the patriarchy’s tyranny of animals too.

The Hispanics who survive the gun executions can mow your lawns and take care of the president’s golf courses. Also, maybe, if they have the time, manicure the campuses of the elite prep schools and universities where you send YOUR children to do drugs, hookups, and no critical thinking or learning of any kind. Good progressive kids are those with hostile porridge for brains. Otherwise they might figure out how much you despise them too. The Eloi only you are willing to protect from us morlocks. The Betas you sired at great expense and inconvenient time out from your Alpha careers. You must be so proud. Here they are. And for only fifty grand a year through eight years of Groton and Princeton, they emerge like butterflies, only half as dim-witted as you have always been. No threat. Because no future. You will see to that, which is your infallible way.

Sound like heaven? Of course it does. Everyone will finally be equal, except for you ones who are more equal than the rest. The last generation of the astonishingly gifted who have the right to rule the rest of us. Granted, it doesn’t solve all the problems in the rest of the world, but they’ll take care of themselves pretty handily. Everyone knows America has always been the source of all their problems. They’ll do fine from here on in. Most everyone knows they’ve been in love with death a lot longer than Americans, and they’re just dying to follow your lead. And you’ll be the ones who get to watch it all happen.

Unless you forget to kill the imported jihadist killing squads. But you wouldn’t make a mistake like that, would you? Of course not. You’re the smartest people who ever lived.

Who is she, really? You know who she is.

Who is she, really? You know who she is.

She’s been dipping in the personal popularity polls lately. A few unguarded remarks about what it’s like to have momentary cash flow problems while you’re in debt to lawyers defending your husband’s impeachment crisis and the losing effort to keep him from being disbarred in Arkansas. Plus a curious inability to articulate any single actual accomplishment she’s had in her high profile career as a carpetbagging U.S. Senator from New York and a do-nothing, go everywhere Secretary of State for the worst foreign policy president in our history. You know. Little stuff like that. Nits and picks.

Apparently it’s not supposed to matter. An article yesterday at Real Clear Politics is typical:

Not “If” Hillary Runs for President, But When — and How

Yes, let’s get that out of the way: Hillary Rodham Clinton is not deciding whether to run for president; she’s already running for president. If she doesn’t make it to the starting gate for the 2016 Democratic primaries, she will have quit running. When has a Clinton ever quit anything?…

The feigned indecision is part of the 2016 Clinton campaign rollout, as is the new autobiography, “Hard Choices,” and its accompanying book tour. Legendary literary editor Michael Pakenham referred to such volumes as “unbooks.” Like all Washington memoirs, its unofficial subtitle should be “If They Had Only Listened to Me.” Their purpose isn’t to entertain, educate, or enlighten. It’s to keep the author’s name in the news, make some money, and pave the way for the next gig. “Hard Choices” does all three, which is nice work if you can get it, considering the project is a ghost-written campaign manifesto…

This week, she lashed out at liberal interviewer Terry Gross for having the temerity to ask if the Clintons had changed their minds about gay marriage or if they had changed their public position when it became expedient. It’s an interesting question, actually, and one I’ve wondered about since the night during Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign when he signed the Orwellian-named Defense of Marriage Act into law. Hillary also fudged on the date in the Gross interview, citing the year 1993, a reminder that another trait she shares with Bill is a willingness to bend the truth…

So she has flaws, yes, but tremendous strengths as a candidate, too. I’ll go into them next Sunday when I explain why HRC is almost certain to be the next president of the United States.

Let me repeat that phrase “tremendous strengths as a candidate.” Let’s see. She’s a do nothing phony who has a record of lying, vengeful personal attacks, and represents a mirror of her husband’s say anything corruption without his political skills. Yeah. What would the strengths be?

She’s a woman. She has name recognition. The Democrats have nothing like a credible candidate to be president of the United States. And she’s a woman.

That’s it. The Dems are planning to parlay their fraudulent War on Women meme to another presidential election based on the idea that it’s this minority’s turn to occupy the Oval Office.

It’s just possible that eight years of Obama will have convinced people that demographics aren’t sufficient reason to hand the keys of power to an incompetent of the politically correct victim class.

More than that, Hillary’s qualifications as a gender warrior in the War on Women battle for equality and respect, etc, are even thinner than Obama’s claim to be an African-American.

Exhibit I in the campaign to come. A new revelation about Hillary’s early legal career. In 1975, she agreed to defend a 41 year old man who was almost certainly guilty of having raped a 12 year old girl. She chatted jocularly about the details of the case with a reporter, on audiotape, and laughed about both her friendly relations with the judge and the technicality on which she managed to acquit her client. At no point did she express the slightest concern for the victim.

You can read the whole story here. Please do.

The victim of that assault is not inclined to forgive:

Now 52, the victim resides in the same town where she was born.

Divorced and living alone, she blames her troubled life on the attack. She was in prison for check forgery to pay for her prior addiction to methamphetamines when Newsday interviewed her in 2008. The story says she harbored no ill will toward Clinton.

According to her, that is not the case.

“Is this about that rape of me?” she asked when a Free Beacon reporter knocked on her door and requested an interview.

Declining an interview, she nevertheless expressed deep and abiding hostility toward the Newsday reporter who spoke to her in 2008—and toward her assailant’s defender, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Being pro-abortion might have been enough cover for her husband’s shoddy if not criminal behavior toward women. I’m inclined to think, though, that women will not be as willing to overlook the indulgence of child rape by Bill’s wife.

What do you think? Inevitable? Maybe a comeuppance for a life of unscrupulous and convenient decisions, accompanied by a uniquely voracious thirst for power. Obama ain’t the only one, and maybe Americans won’t fall for it yet again.

One can only hope.

It's wonderful.

It’s wonderful.

If you’re me, everything is arranged for you. In advance.

Have you ever watched the show “Numbers”? A math prodigy named Charlie has a big brother who’s an FBI dude who needs him to chase down crooks. I’m Charlie. Everybody, especially big brother, feels an urge to protect the vulnerable prodigy. Because he had it so rough as a kid.

My youth was difficult. Dad thought I was just a kid for a while. My sister knew I wasn’t, just a kid I mean, which created some problems.

Afterwards, things changed. An informal protective network followed me for the rest of my life. It was loose and nearly undetectable early on. It has become tight and nearly foolproof in recent years. Nobody has ever called me on my inability to play chess, for example.

Think about it. If you’re this great brilliant genius, shouldn’t you be forced at some point to play chess?

Sorry. I’m just playing with you now. I have an iPad that weighs about four ounces and my wife figured out how to fix it for me. It’s like a feather in my hands. Checkmate. A term I learned from my grandfather, the smartest person on earth I ever knew, who knew no more about chess than the rules on the box. That may have been our greatest wink-wink with each other. Chess is not a smartness contest. It’s a dumb game played by mostly dumb people. Smart people have more interesting things to do.

I’m still just talking. What it’s like to be me. You wake up every day like Stephen Hawking, only not quadriplegic in a wheel chair. Are you grateful? Absolutely. Can’t stress this part enough. Everybody has protected me through the years, but no one more than my beloved Boudica.

You wake up every day. You look at the state of the world. You remember there’s a trench knife in the drawer. Then you start on the daily calculus. If I die, she’ll be alone. It would be far worse if she dies first. I’d be alone, which has always been the great unthinkable. And since her, I can’t even imagine life as life without her beside me. Why I can’t think about leaving without her.

But I hurt. In every possible way. Talk all you want about the wages of sin. Think of them in the context of needing to stay around for the best person you know. Years of smoking and drinking have taken their toll. I know I should apologize. Won’t. John Updike said he looked into the ashtray and realized there was a cigarette butt for every paragraph. So he stopped. It didn’t help his writing. He also went on record calling out John Cheever for being too drunk to recognize him. “I know John Cheever’s in there somewhere,” he said. Truth. A much better writer than Updike was in there somewhere.

So I am feeble these days. My mind is not going. It’s changed. It was always waiting for the Internet. I now follow so many of everything you wouldn’t believe it. Athletes, movie stars, composers, philosophers, musicians, and, unfortunately, pundits. I know what Charles Krauthammer had for breakfast and it isn’t pretty.

I wake up every day and try to think what to write. My beautiful wife props up my fragile ego and tells me I will think of something. Usually she’s right, because I am me after all, but sometimes she’s wrong. Which is when she forgives me without a word and brings home whatever we decide on for dinner.

Lake is presently mad at me because he doesn’t understand his role in the protective network that surrounds spoiled geniuses. Spoiled geniuses like me.

I can be contrite all day long. The graphic has it right, though. A unicorn is a once in a lifetime thing. You think unicorns don’t know they’re unique?

We do.

I still am who I am.

I still am who I am.

The rules have changed. But I have my own rules.

Don’t use race as a weapon.

Don’t use sex as a weapon.

Don’t use class as a weapon.

Don’t use wealth as a weapon.

Don’t use the earth as a weapon.

And don’t forget the Prime Directive.

Except that everybody forgets everything all the time. Why I act so mad so much of the time. Everybody has a window of right now consciousness. Yours is the size of an iPhone screen. Mine is the size of an IMAX screen times ten.

You have no idea how much I can hold in the forefront of consciousness at the same time. It’s killing me. Pretty quickly.

So pay attention while I’m still here.

And remember the Prime Directive. The Smithsonian Channel just did a bio of Isaac Newton. Asperger’s sufferer. Like Einstein and Darwin. Genius is a disease. Newton was focused on three separate obsessions. Math, alchemy, and theology. I have three obsessions too. The Rolling Stones, the life of the United States, and women’s bodies.

Greatest music video ever. (Surpassing this one.) A woman telling the truth.

Do we understand one another now?

More rules will follow.

Journalism didn't used to be about looking up skirts and enjoying it. Now it's about looking up skirts and lying about what you saw.

Journalism used to be about looking up skirts and enjoying it.
Now it’s about looking up skirts and lying about what you saw.

Follow-on to the previous post.

Despite The Five’s Andrea Tantaros and Kimberly whatever her last name is these days, I know that Fox News thinks blondes should rule the world. Megyn Kelly is their boldest thrust in that direction, and to the extent that it sends Bill O’Reilly into retirement, I’m on board.

On. The. Other. Hand. Blondes should not rule the world. Why? Blonde is more often than not a state of mind. The carpet rarely matches the drapes. And the brain is rarely there.

I wouldn’t bring this up as a rule because I’m usually a tactful fellow. But it looks more and more as if Hillary is planning to be anointed president. You know. A vintage blonde is still a blonde, and we all want a blonde telling us what to do. Unless we don’t.

I don’t.

Women don’t belong in politics. Not because they’re dumb or treacherous or corrupt or generally awful, which they all are, like most men. They don’t belong in politics because it’s so much harder to see who they are.

Megyn Kelly seems like a natural heir to Bill O’Reilly’s throne. He’s a goof and a buffoon and a pretentious Long Island wannabe who got where he is by never taking no for an answer. A filter we can use when he mounts his digital throne and tells the rest of us what to think.

Megyn Kelly is a lot scarier. Makeup does not conceal shark eyes. She insists she has children. Then go be with the children. Don’t queen yourself over the rest of us with almost nothing to back it up. SUNY Albany Law School. Seriously?

O’Reilly’s on-set chair is designed to put him at a level with the people he bullies. He’s 6’5″. Megyn’s chair is an elevated crystal throne, designed to reinforce her dominion over everyone who might come under her scrutiny. O’Reilly we can trust ourselves to see through, a fatuous old jerk. Who knows anything about Megyn?

Me. Hate to break it to you, ladies. After 50 years of feminism, the results are in. Women are still second rate. They excel at having fantastic legs and sometimes glorious breasts, but intellectually they are also-rans.

The war on boys is nothing new. Feminists have been on that patrol for a good three decades. Men are increasingly not allowed into the best colleges, etc. Thing is, they’re still in charge of almost everything. Why is that? The horrific conspiratorial patriarchy? Or the simple way of things?

Women compete by being more sexually alluring. If you believe in Evolution, you hyper-rational babies who can’t figure out that life begins at conception when it so obviously does, you must also accept that women were not evolved for their brainpower. Tits. Legs. Childbearing hips. And, thankfully for all us men, lust.

But not brains. Those are always an anomaly. Men won’t tell you this, girls. They don’t listen to you. You think it’s their fault. They don’t listen to you because you have nothing to say. Never have had. Since the beginning of civilization.

There are very (very) few exceptions. Got one here. Good luck to the rest of you.

As for Fox, I congratulate them for letting Gretchen Carlson be a size 14. Isn’t that nice?

Dead eyes.

“Lifeless eyes, like a doll’s eyes…”.

I know. Last night was huge. Eric Kantor got defeated in a primary. Never in history has a sitting House Majority Leader been evicted in a primary. It’s bound to reenergize all the grass roots resistance to Washington DC the professional pundits have been determined to write off.

If you want the politics of it, go to Laura Ingraham’s website or radio show. There was an interesting tableau, though, on Megyn Kelly’s FNC show last night. Four old white guys pooh-poohing the loss in order to defend the Republican establishment. But Megyn had arranged call-ins from Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham.

The two of them trounced the dismissive conventional wisdom just spouted by the old white guys. Ann and Laura were both impassioned and smart. Contrary to the Fox News line, the entire Republican Party had just been up-ended, out of the blue, so to speak.

So, being the astute politically obsessed observer I always am, I turned to my wife and said, “I have two questions about Megyn Kelly.”

She said, in her usual verbose way, “Shoot.”

“Is it considered a good fit if a thirtyish woman has a kind of pleat going on in the top between her breasts?”

“No. It isn’t.”

“And don’t Megyn Kelly’s eyes look as dead as shark’s eyes?”

“Yes. They do.”

I dunno. Just saying. I don’t think of Fox News as an ally in the grand fight to save the nation. I think of them as Switzerland, a boring neutral with a bunch of money in the bank.

When I think of their journalism (sorry, imagine me putting air quotes over that word), I have an immediate image of Peter Doocy, son of the channel’s resident weatherman and arch morning bore. Peter has nice hair. No doubt why he’s the Fox News Channel’s chief White House correspondent, foreign correspondent, and investigative reporter.

Peter seems a nice boy. But… Sorry.

I have a whole other post to do on this subject. Give me a few hours. Please? The data gods are not being kind today.

She's too friendly with the other beltway libs. Other than I like her. She's good at demolishing immigration idiots.

She’s too friendly with the beltway libs who pretend to be journalists. Other than that I mostly like her. She’s good, no, excellent at demolishing immigration idiots.

Laura Ingraham made a claim on her radio show today that I found not credible. She’s famous for her love of pop music from the fifties, sixties, seventies, and eighties. Her knowledge, according to informed sources (mostly her), is encyclopedic. She also loves country music, for which I credit her. But she went a step too far in my opinion this morning claiming that George Strait’s farewell concert the other night “smashed the attendance records set by the Rolling Stones.” She cited a figure of 105,000, which aroused my suspicions immediately. I attended the Stones concert in 1981 at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia, which had a nominal football capacity of 100,000, and on that day the stands were filled and the entire football playing field was too. All of us paying customers. Nothing I could prove.

90,000? Really? I was all the way at the back. Jagger looked like an ant. Journey had the No. 1 album in the country. Nobody paid them any attention. The venue was too gigantic. The Stones ripped the joint apart.

So I looked up the attendance figures for the notorious Hyde Park concerts in London. Guess what I found.

AEG Live is the promoter of the Rolling Stones’ 2013 tour, which is named “50 and Counting” in honor of the band’s 50th anniversary. Mick Taylor, who was the Rolling Stones’ lead guitarist from 1969 to 1974, is a guest on all of the tour dates.

Mick Taylor’s first-ever live show with the Rolling Stones was a free concert at Hyde Park on July 5, 1969. The attendance at the show was an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people. The show was filmed by Granada Television and released on home video under the title “Stones in the Park.”

I have nothing against George Strait. I just find it necessary to contend with Laura Ingraham’s occasional looseness with facts.

On a lesser matter, Rush Limbaugh returned from vacation yesterday boasting that he would make sense of a week’s worth of events nobody but he could suss out. He proceeded to do a three hour monologue recapitulating points I had already made here about the difference between incompetence and deeply malevolent intent.

He also was clamorously seeking credit for the dire prophecy embedded in his “I hope he fails” broadcast the day after the 2009 inauguration. Which I had also preceded him on here.

I’m not accusing him of stealing ideas. Pretty sure he’s never heard of me. But maybe he shouldn’t be quite so sure that he’s the only one of us flyover Americans who can figure out the dark truths of the left.

Especially now that his facade of constant jovial optimism is starting to crack like a badly boiled egg. He’s as lugubrious as I am, but on handling that turn of mind without losing the faith I have him beat by a mile.

All the king's horses, all the king's men...

All the king’s horses, all the king’s men…

These are just trivialities. If you want the serious, look a couple posts further down. Instapunk has finally pulled the long scriver back out of its scabbard, and it’s time to resume the old ‘debates’ of the Metalkort.

It’s called Gardermoen, which is an airport in Oslo. Whither Valhalla?

Did I say punk? If Mstislav Rostropovich and Patti Smith had a love child, who would she be? This one.

Suited my mood today. The woman behind the music is Julia Kent, a Canadian cellist. Don’t know anything else about her except that she was once a rocker and is now ranked as one of the top ten female cellists in the world.

All I need to know today.

All I need to know today.

Maybe you know how this particular 24 hours end. I don’t. That’s all for now, boys.

Tools of a cold-blooded, illegal strategy for ramming amnesty through congress.

Tools of a cold-blooded, illegal strategy for ramming amnesty through congress. Click pic to enlarge.

Come on, everybody. Call them what they are: internment camps for children. At military bases all over the southwest. Children without their parents, many infected with measles, scabies, TB, and the MRSA virus. How many we don’t know because the resources aren’t available to care adequately for a sudden influx of thousands of illegals.

Who thinks people aren’t going to blame the federal government for the inevitable casualties?

Who’s in charge anymore? Who’s an adult capable of taking responsibility? Apparently no one. They’re probably dreaming up a slogan. Something like “Work Makes Free.”

So, can we impeach the president for setting up concentration camps on American soil? No? Why the hell not? How in the hell can we not?!


Everything I’ve said is already on record. I post the cover of the Instapunk book because it had everything right the soonest and you could send it to your friends.

There are new books. Buy these three as they become available.

The heavyweight of the bunch is attorney Andrew McCarthy’s explanation of impeachment issues.

Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment.

The second is by Breitbart’s new top gun, Ben Shapiro.

The People Vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against the Obama Administration.

The third is by John Fund and Hans Spakovsky.

Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

Be mad at me all you want. Read these books.

Nobody likes to hear it, especially anyone born after 1950, but you've got to put in the hours.

Nobody likes to hear it, for sure anyone born after 1950, but you gotta put in the hours. And keep track of them. With me?

Why is Instapunk back full time? A comment by a friend who said, tell me what I can do other than bullets.

I assure you he is trending toward bullets. Not that he’s amassing them, but that he has them and is waiting. For an opportunity. Or an excuse.

The easiest cop-out imaginable. I like him but he’s being an asshole.

All the rifles and handguns in the hands of all the truest patriots in America couldn’t withstand ten minutes of the firepower the American military could rain down on them if the federal government so chose. And they now have that statutory right, posse comitatus notwithstanding.

Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29, 2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under this directive.”

“Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless specifically authorized by the president in accordance with applicable law or permitted under emergency authority,” the directive states.

“In these circumstances, those federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the president is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances” under two conditions.

The conditions include military support needed “to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order.” A second use is when federal, state and local authorities “are unable or decline to provide adequate protection for federal property or federal governmental functions.”

“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” the directive states.

Military assistance can include loans of arms, ammunition, vessels and aircraft. The directive states clearly that it is for engaging civilians during times of unrest.

People, veterans, even some of the militia crazies proudly declare that the American military would never fire on American citizens. Of course they would. They already have.

Your guns may make you feel like a free man, but the truth is the war we’re fighting and have to win will never be won by violence. If violence breaks out on a large scale, we lose.

So what do we do? The enemy left, probably no more than 25 percent of us, has captured the federal bureaucracy, the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, various self pitying voter constituencies, including single mothers, promiscuous unmarried females, all black people, illegal aliens, the most prestigious public intellectuals of all ethnic and gender stripes, the major universities they shill for, all other levels of academe from high school down to kindergarten, and even most of the Protestant churches, such as Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians.

So go git your gun, sonny, and die in glamorous freeze frame like Butch and Sundance from that dumb 50 year old hippie movie.

Bullshit. The only thing your guns are going to do is get you killed and probably propagandized to boot. Your bullet riddled corpse will sell obedience to the feds better than the Geico gecko sells car insurance.

Resisting the Feds sounds romantic. In reality it's ugly. Really ugly. Ask Bonnie Parker.

Resisting the Feds sounds romantic. In reality it’s ugly. Really ugly. Ask Bonnie Parker.

Once knew a guy who never went anywhere without a loaded gun. He didn’t think it would save him from anyone but petty crooks. He understood armament. “When they come,” he said, “all the militias in Montana and South Dakota will be patriotic ashes. The American military is an unstoppable force.”

And the generals, as we’ve been learning for the last five years, are in on the totalitarian intention.

Why I say “no bullets.”

All of this — every shocking, awful, traitorous, immoral, anti-Christian, anti-American outrage — has been engineered by 25 percent or less of our population. In accordance with a totally unscrupulous and amoral rule book written by Saul Alinsky.

Is any glimmer starting to wink in your dim minds? No?

I thought not. Why I had to leave sighthounds behind for a pure combat site (damn you). How on earth did 25 percent manage to conquer the other 75 percent?


How do you repel them? Help me out here. How many synonyms are there for “duh”? You work night and day for years.

They were at it full time. But there are a lot more of us than them. You don’t have to be full time. Tithe 10 percent of your productive time each day to restoring your nation. I’m allowed to ask this because more than 50 percent of my productive time has been spent in this pursuit since I was 20 years old.

Yeah. Keep a book of accounts. There’s time spent sleeping, earning a living, and the hygiene and eating stuff. That leaves some free time you usually spend complaining or watching disgusting sitcoms on TV.

First of all, inform yourself. Don’t be a fool. Read. History. Political science so called. The headlines and columns of the enemy. The intellects on our side. And grammar books. For God’s sake learn how to spell before you dare to put a word in print. Then get active.

Don’t care how you do that exactly. Get involved in local politics, knocking on doors and handing out fliers and such. Start your own blog to pontificate about your issues. Fire up a podcast with your friends. Start letter writing campaigns and call assaults on your congressman and senator. Go to church and face down clerics who defend abortion and support illegal immigration that makes the lives of American black people even worse. Challenge the lefty assholes in your place of work who say things you normally don’t have the energy or nerve to confront.

Whatever it is, book it in your journal. Just make sure it adds up to 10 percent of your productive time. By the way, friendly stuff with the friendlies, like raising your kids to be decent people, attending rodeos and Blue Angels performances, doesn’t count. That’s the time off everyone needs. Claiming it as some kind of virtue is like boasting that you don’t hit your wife. Of course a good man raises his kids properly and never hits his wife. Not part of the tithe.

The rest is war.

Any part of this you don’t understand? Anyone that slow I’ll meet in the comments. But don’t expect much forgiveness. I’m not in a forgiving mood.

It was a fashion event. Like Rihanna, when it comes to fashion, I'm a minimalist.

It was a fashion event. Like Rihanna, when it comes to fashion, I’m a minimalist.

Don’t take me too seriously. Actually, I think all women should dress like this, regardless of age. Except the ones at the mall.

Consider this a test. If you can see the post, we’re officially back in business at Instapunk Rules. Not that this is a trivial rule. What was the term on Star Trek? Ah yes. The Prime Directive.

P.S. Best way to get in the mood for Instapunk Rules. Read all the posts. Only about 10 of them, including this one. I think you can handle that. If you can’t, I bet you can find yourself on Twitter.

What a waste of talent.

What a waste of talent.

Stumbled across this on a cable back channel called Aspire.

“Black College Quiz Show” is a straightforward derivative of the old (really old) game show called College Bowl, which I used to watch with my grandparents.

It’s intended to spotlight the scholarly attainments of students at historically black colleges like Howard, Morehouse, Spelman, Tuskegee, Cheyney, Dillard, Fisk, Hampton, and quite a few others. When I discovered it, I thought ‘cool,’ and settled in to be impressed and pleased.

I was impressed but far from pleased. In fact, I was sickened, almost to the point of despair. Here’s the thing. All the students on the show are clearly smart, articulate, and capable of great things. Quick to the buzzer, confident of their answers.

But all the questions, and I do mean ALL the questions are about things black. Civil rights history, black pop stars and athletes, black politicians, black scientists, black writers and artists, and African geography.

It’s an intellectual ghetto, an act of self segregation that literally induces nausea. These kids are clearly smart enough to learn anything. But they are aimed, forced, jammed into a focus on things African American guaranteed to isolate them from everyone who is not African American. Ethnic pride is fine. But if the only topic I ever learned about was Scotland, I know I’d be pretty much screwed. Like all these kids most definitely are. Dead on the altar of a depraved religion called Victimization.

When did this nation go so so crazy that it dooms its young in the name of political correctness? Is there any reason why a young black woman cannot be asked a question about James Madison or Wolfgang Mozart? Apparently it’s much more important for her to be confined to a corner of anger and resentment than bloom in the glory of a western tradition she and her brothers (should) share with everyone else.

Sick. So tired of seeing sour faces and myopically pissed off eyes. It’s supposed to be a positive and upbeat show. Instead it’s a damn tragedy and a self fulfilling prophecy of the long road to bitterness and nowhere.

Three score years of rules and experience. Most rules broken, most experience wasted. But there’s a residue of conviction.

Three score years of rules and experience. Most rules broken, most experience wasted. But there’s a residue of conviction. (Mrs. IP didn’t like the original pic.)

I’m very far from being a priest or rabbi. Of the Ten Commandments, I have broken most of them. I cannot stomach the notion that the Holy Bible is somehow the literal truth of history in the tiny segment of time in which humans have attempted to record their deeds, their beliefs, and their truths. But do I believe the Bible is somehow true?

I am entitled to a whack at that question, because as a writer, bibles have been my business to a greater extent than most. I’ve written at least two and possibly a third in camouflage.

The answer is yes. The Holy Bible is truth revealed, however it was done, which remains a mystery. Its purpose is not to be a million word piece of legislation like, say, ObamaCare, that imposes answers to all questions before they are asked. It is meant as a light that shows us ourselves as we tend to be and illuminates a path toward better lives. Bibles shouldn’t be measured in terms of facts as CBS and the Washington Post define them but in terms of their candlepower.

How much brighter can we be in appraising our choices and decisions? The source of the animating candle is not as important as what we can learn from its glow. The source of that glow is everyone’s choice to make depending on what he has derived from it.

I personally don’t care how you define God or even if you believe in him. If you don’t, you do have the additional obligation of explaining where the idea of him originated, especially given that he seems to have come up with rules that are so very hard for everyone to live by, including the most powerful and talented among us. How did we evolve from the semi-animal view of the human laborer as beast of burden and disposable property to the conception that all people possess a soul and a right to a direct, transcendent connection with the almighty, however imagined?

It wasn’t rational. Economics, political power, nation state prosperity all favored the definition of ordinary people as chattels of the gifted, well born, or otherwise blessed. The Egyptian and Roman models were spectacularly successful. The precociously intellectual model of the Greeks foundered early on. Their empire was an ephemeral dream that died with the sociopathic Alexander. Why feudalism persisted well into the nineteenth century in nations as “advanced” as Italy and Germany.

A true understanding of the Bible could have prevented so much. And, yes, I’m calling shenanigans on everything evil that was supposedly done in the name of the Bible after its Old Testament publication and its subsequent New Testament update by the Council of Nicaea. People take a long time to learn anything.

Why I spoke earlier in terms of candlepower rather than Watts. Here’s where I begin. I have never once benefited personally — in terms of happiness, satisfaction, or peace of mind — from a single time I broke one of the Ten Commandments. Every single instance has brought me grief, regret, unintended consequences, and loss of self-respect. Not because I broke a commandment. But because the commandments are right. I’m 60 now. Which makes me a quick learner, I suspect.

How did a nomadic tribe of, by their own account, opportunistic invaders and killers manage to identify such vital keys to life?

Does it matter? Not until you start to perceive the anachronistic wisdom of their so-called God.

That’s how I’m suggesting we should learn to read the Bible. There are at least two astonishing things about the Old Testament. First, that morality makes such an early appearance in the story of a hard-scrabble desert tribe. Second, that there is so much literary if not strictly factual honesty in their accounts of their own history. Every conceivable kind of crime and barbarism is rendered in detail. Divine revelation or compulsive self-revelation? Murder, treachery, incest, envy, lust, treachery, persecution, stupidity, hubris, and more treachery, always with their own ill consequences, not just the judgments of the prophets and the punishments of God. (Read The Viking epic King Harald’s Saga from at least a thousand years later. Same plot. No remorse.)

It’s a portrait of a people struggling oh so fallibly toward the thing we take for granted, modern consciousness. What set them on that path? They had no algebra, no physics, no discipline of logic, no telescopes, no medicine, no science of the mind or emotions. But they divined the importance of virtue as the ideal outcome of the battle between good and evil. How did they do that?

To drive home the fact of anachronism, consider the Book of David. Maybe contemporaneous with Homer, who was more Beowulf than Shakespeare. David was Shakespeare about two millennia early. Not being glib. T-h-i-n-k about it. If you have the knowledge, context, and mental capacity to….

It is the contrast that provides the spark that should light the light. In its sequence of events, Israel is every other ancient civilization more than not. Despots and fools and builders and destroyers. Against this is the tug of an aspiration not found in their antecedents and peers. The moral glue of their aspiration enabled them to survive where every other imperiled civilization couldn’t, their absolute subjugation by a ruthless occupying empire.

Which caused them to up the ante.

It’s become fashionable to assign Jesus to a category of resurrected gods that includes Osiris and Dionysius. Malarkey. Those gods didn’t return from the dead for any altruistic purpose. They were akin to the concept of spring. Not the moral salvation of all the worshipers.

Jesus is a unique figure, fundamentally unlike Osiris or even Buddha. He was conceived as God made man. Picture the equality sign in your heads. Man made God. Ordinary man made divine. That was the revelation and the revolution. That was the breakthrough.

Jesus was not here to ask us to die in imitation of him. He was here to say that he had already died for us, which freed us to live and think and be and hold our own communion with the greater meaning of life.

He reduced the Ten Commandments to two. Not because the Ten were no longer operative, but because he was, like fathers who give away their daughters at weddings, telling us that he trusted us to make our own decisions now, that he was prepared to forgive our errors as long as we remembered where we came from and how we had been raised. All those errors were already paid for if we could just remember who we were supposed to be.

You can call it a fable if you want. Like one of Kipling’s Just So Stories. You can blame the fable for the continual failures of the brides to justify daddy’s confidence. But what you can’t do is wash away the murderous record of the human societies that have attempted to rule the daddy fable out of the story.

Their record is not only catastrophic but inhuman and monstrous. Their defense is rational philosophy.

But the first rule of Instapunk is that rationality unleavened by truth is the surest road there is to calamity.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Now we are reaching the crisis. Things are not falling apart. They are flying apart. The people who are smarter than all the ancient notions of God are in control. They have forgotten everything that enabled Mankind to emerge from the blood of Assyrian massacres. And they WILL kill us all with their rational omniscience.

P.S. For those who are the noticing kind, that was not my first selfie. This was.

Pacal. I was younger and fitter then. A punk with clout. Still had my Mohawk.

Pacal. I was younger and fitter then. A punk with clout. Still had my Mohawk.

Literally, the dagger in the left hand.

Literally, the dagger in the left hand.

An old friend responded to the pic of the trench knife by saying it reminded him of his la main gauche.

Interesting in a couple of respects. Yes, there’s a resemblance. A brutal proof that death has stalked men for hundreds of years. But there’s also a big difference between the French dagger and the trench knife. The former is a weapon of treachery, the latter a final measure of self defense.

When the trench is overrun, the knife is just a chance at living for one more minute.

It’s clear we’ll have to talk a lot more about World War I, the trenches, and the hell of life on the western front.

Which we can accomplish here.

Among other things.

The reality of the logo up top.

The reality of the logo up top.

The way we’re going to start Instapunk Rules. I have one of these. It’s a trench knife. A real one. It’s a triangular blade not meant for or even competent for slicing bread. The only thing it’s good for is killing. Mine belonged to the gentlest man I ever knew, a former captain of infantry in the famous Rainbow Division of World War I. He participated in almost all the final battles that determined the outcome of that war.

Its beginning was almost exactly a hundred years ago. The most deadly strike against modern civilization ever. But most of you know nothing of it. Names like Verdun, the Somme, Chateau Thierry, Gallipoli, the Argonne Forest, and Belleau Wood mean nothing to you. Even as I write this, Apple software is protesting that the proper names are misspellings.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates don’t know or care about this stuff. Men hurled themselves into a hail of technology that was guaranteed to kill them. People like Jobs and Gates condemn gun technology. As if machine guns are to blame for what happens between titanic egos. So they’re for gun control. Like I’m for computer mouse control. Which folded into the price of a cup of coffee adds up to nothing, even at Vente prices.

I’m going to do all you millennials a huge favor. You won’t like it. You won’t understand it. You won’t even believe it. But men who were far far better than you threw their lives away for a cause you’ll never understand because by their sacrifice they eliminated any responsibility you might ever have to feel. Great, huh? Sure. Ungrateful jerks are jerks because they never know they should be grateful. People like me are sick of you.

Thing is, I won’t be talking in general.

No. I have proof of the difference between the ones who were men then and the whiny pricks who call themselves men now.

I have a pile of letters from my grandfather to his wife. From the front in World War I. Which killed more western Europeans (uh, the supposedly civilized ones) than died in World War II. For the sake of comparison the Brits lost 350,000 in WWII. Ten times that in what the Greatest Generation liked to call the prelude. To be clear, that’s 3,500,000. Wrap your tiny heads around that and look up Douglas Haig on Wiki. Starting to get it? That’s three times all American combat losses in history.

America always comes to the rescue. But we don’t consent to the pure slaughter of our young in foreign adventures. Except one time, in 1918. When progressive Woodrow thought he could remake the world in the image of Princeton. Bad idea. No world ever wanted to be Princeton. But America paid for his orange and black vision.

In close to four years of world war across all oceans Americans in the army, navy, air force and marines lost 440,000 killed in action in WWII. In less than one year of World War I combat, American infantry in Europe lost more than 100,000 troops in France and Germany. In trenches that sickened and disfigured them when they weren’t charging into mud and shit filled swamps of stinking arms and legs and intestines called No Man’s land.

Everything dead. Killed trees don't stink as much as corpses of men.

Everything dead. Artillery fried trees don’t stink as much as corpses of men.

Whether you like it or not, I’m going to tell you about it. Not because I want to cater to your idiotic naïveté. You know, if we treat them right they’ll treat us right bullshit. Because there are always power brokers who are willing to spend every level of human life, unflinchingly, to achieve domination over others. The United States was the first nation in history to halt this kind of aggression without seeking to impose an authoritarian empire of its own. Here’s one of the first missives from one of the least imperialistic soldiers of that first great selfless defense of civilization.

A man writes to his wife. Wanna hear what he has to say?

A man writes to his wife. Wanna hear what he has to say?

Or just enjoy the fact that every photo you click on will expand to fill your screen.

No splash yet. Only a matter of time. But the whole gang is here. Tired of Arreffelly talking about dogs.

Killing our country. The MSM hate Sarah because her voice makes deerhounds hide under the covers. Hey. You don’t like women’s voices? Get the hell out of the country. Most of the people here are women, they have high pitched horrifying voices and some of them, a very few, have good ideas. Get used to it. And your damned deerhounds too.

We’ll be back. We need our multimedia army. Our writers, our spellers, our angers, our muggers…

And we need our Times Roman font. So you smart people can understand what we say.

Partial Cast of Characters in Shuteye Town

J. Doe
Daniel Pangloss
Gretel Van Cistern
Roger Prozac
Jerry Stunce
Lisa Cholera
Mayor Moon
Himmler Vance
Brute Killis
Pamela Stooge Anchorman
Connie Chunx
K. D. Courage
Charles God
Melody Blowhard
Bill Clitton
The Cheshire Pussy
Russ Limbo
Daniel Edwards Mahaffey
The Hatter
Betty Boob
Zeezer & Zithead
The Kat in the Hat
Stevie Tyger from Aerosmiff
The Walrus
The Shuteye Train
Prison Break Partner
Old Lady at Top of Escalator
Skateboard Dude
Devil Dude
Lady Therapist
Lounge Bartender
Information Man
Ticket Window Guy
Guns & Vice Proprietor @ LoMart
Romantic Couple at Beloved Shops
Lap Dancer #1
Homeless Man
Straw Mother

Friday, November 07, 2008

ACCEPTANCE. One of the (several) controversies conservatives have been snarled up in since the election is the question of how we should regard the president-elect. As I predicted, there’s been a lot of “making nice” by conservative pundits and bloggers, who want to note a great historical accomplishment and congratulate the winner while acknowledging their continued reservations about the policies to come. Since this has been beautifully epitomized and satirized by Iowahawk, I won’t dwell on it here. There has also been a fair amount of the schizophrenic behavior I heard on Glenn Beck’s radio show yesterday, when he wound up literally screaming at a caller that if he didn’t “accept Obama as our president,” he was exactly like the wingnuts at the DailyKos who argued for eight years that Bush stole the presidency and had no legal right to the office. This from a guy who has consistently characterized the 2008 election as “1860, the brink of civil war.”

What’s going on here? Is there an issue at all? If there is, why? If not, why not? I, for example, am already on record as saying that “I refuse to accept a president who thinks our constitution is fatally flawed and who sees nothing wrong with choosing a black racist as a mentor or a murderous terrorist as a partner in a conspiracy to radicalize school children rather than teach them to read and write.” Does this make me “exactly like the wingnuts at DailyKos?”

I would say no. I don’t dispute the legality of Obama’s election, and I doubt most of the people who agree with my statement above would either. After he takes the oath of office, Barack Obama will be the President of the United States. I have lost none of my respect for the office, and as the current occupant of that office, he is entitled to the official respect that was always denied George W. Bush by his fanatical opponents. If I were overseas and heard him criticized by a foreigner, I would defend him because I’m an American citizen and that is part of my duty as a citizen, as I understand it.

However. As an American citizen, I also reserve the right to believe that Barack Obama is not my president. The prigs and the screamers on this point seem suddenly to be forgetting that there’s more than one kind of contract in force here, and all of them involve complex and sometimes mutual responsibilities. The president has an express contract with the Constitution of the United States; he swears a solemn oath to defend and protect it. He also has an understood contract with the the United States as a nation, that he will subordinate his own interests to the welfare of the nation as a whole, and will make whatever personal and political sacrifices may be necessary to keep it from harm. Finally, he has an implied contract with each and every citizen individually, that he will repay our respect for the office and his tenure in it by remembering that he works for us, all of us, not simply those who elected him.

Only the first of these contracts is a legal one. Once he takes the oath of office, he becomes President of the United States. The other two contracts are moral contracts, ideals of the grand American tradition. It is these unwritten contracts which determine whether we, as individual citizens of the United States, accept the legal president as “our” president. I do not. Glenn Beck can scream all he wants, but he does not speak for me. He is a citizen. He has every right to give Obama a nod on all three contracts. But I’m a citizen too. I do not believe Obama is entering into any of the three contracts in good faith. I don’t believe he intends to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States, but to engineer its rewriting from the bench. I do not believe he holds the interests of the United States as a nation above the interests of various constituencies and political factions around the globe. And I do not believe there is any definition under which he would repay my acceptance and respect by being my president as much as he intends to be the president of the aggrieved and vengeful.

It’s not an emotional animus as much as an intellectual assessment. I don’t believe him. I don’t believe in him. Why must I nevertheless accept him in the monolithic terms scared conservatives seem to demand? I said I won’t give him the benefit of the doubt. Why should I? In my opinion, he has to prove to me that he can be believed. It’s not as if he is above me and can somehow command my private and personal allegiance. I don’t work for him. He works for me. I don’t think he understands even that much.

So my conclusion is that this particular controversy is not one conservatives should be yelling at each other about. If you don’t feel he’s your president, that’s your business. It doesn’t make you seditious, or the second coming of Bush Derangement Syndrome, or a flaming reactionary racist.

Let me elaborate on that last point. I have never doubted that an African-American could be elected president. I still believe it will happen one day, and I abide by my conviction that when it does happen it will be a Republican candidate who does it. I’m also not enough of a hypocrite to pretend great joy and other vaguely self-congratulatory emotions over the fact that a man whose personal history, associations, and political views I regard as disqualifying for the presidency has been elected to the position of Commander-in-Chief. There’s no silver lining to this cloud. In my view, there’s every likelihood he will be so bad a president that he will delay for a decade or more the election of the first African-American president. (If there’s anything worse than a ringer, it’s an incompetent ringer. Makes the whole team look bad.)

My last point on this subject concerns my grave disquietude about the meaning of the conservative rush to “make nice.” I think everyone who does this betrays a naïveté for which there is absolutely no justification. Do they really think that being gracious is going to slow down the juggernaut of a Democrat White House and congress? Fools. We are days, if not hours, away from an all-out declaration of war by Democrats on all things conservative and Republican. Taking time out to shake the right hand of the man who will immediately stab you with the dagger in his left is more than folly. It’s contemptible.

Barack Obama is soon to be the nation’s president. No argument on that point. He is not my president. No compromise on that one. It’s not a distinction invented by the DailyKos. My dad never accepted FDR as his president, either, but it didn’t stop him from defending the nation in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II. All you snob media patriots, take note.

If you’ve got a problem with that, tell it to Glenn Beck. He’ll kiss you on both cheeks. If that’s what sends a tingle up your leg.

posted at 11:36 am by InstaPunk

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