Whatever you do, make sure you find the video of Megyn Kelly’s cross-examination of Bill Ayers. She took him apart. It goes on and on. And on. His little old man earrings were quivering. Like all sociopaths, he took the stand believing his great intellect was proof against the inferior who would be questioning him. She took him apart. This is only an excerpt and there is more, but enjoy this till I post the rest.
And, uh, don’t forget what he looked like when he wasn’t a precious old professor trying to impress co-eds a third his age.

An arrogant lout is an arrogant lout. No exceptions. And age does not improve the vintage. If you start with piss and vinegar, you’ll never produce wine. Just piss.
A doubt I expressed ten years ago, well before Ayers became famous again.
But we do hear voices of regret and even shame. Oddly, there seems an almost complete schism between the perspectives of the two sexes of Weathermen. The women, including the once fiery spokesperson Bernadine Dohrn, seem sorry that the Weather Underground failed to make any real difference. Yet they remain politically active, principally in feminist and environmental causes, and they seem to yearn for a return of the heady days of revolution. Naomi Jaffe and Laura Whitehorn both said on camera that they would do it all again. The men were a different story, with the possible exception of Bill Ayers, who is married to Bernadine Dohrn and and didn’t speak with the same depth of emotion as the others. David Gilbert is serving a life sentence in prison for a post-Weatherman crime he committed with an organization called the Black Liberation Army. He pointed out that he has not complained about his sentence and implied that he has gotten what he deserved. More interesting still are the perspectives of Brian Flanagan and Mark Rudd. Both appear to look at the defining events of their lives with a kind of shocked puzzlement. They use terms like “crazed,” “kind of crazy,” and “overwhelmed by the war” as they grope for explanations of their actions. Flanagan makes open comparisons between their state of mind and that of the 9/11 terrorists. “When you believe you have right on your side, you can do terrible things,” he says. Mark Rudd is candid about his own anguish. “I feel shame and guilt,” he confesses. “We were full of hatred. I clung to my hatred.”
Before I close I should probably mention that I once attended an SDS meeting when I was a freshman at Harvard. I was curious. I’d seen their mimeographs blowing across the Yard. They couldn’t be that monotonously dimwitted, could they?
There were about thirty people in a class space designed to hold 200. They were wearing army greatcoats and fuzzy beards. They were every bit as dimwitted as their mimeographs. Only problem was, all the esteemed undergraduate institutions at the college shared their political views. They were the ones who won the war SDS thought it was fighting.
I realized that right away. But I’ve always had an inconvenient knack for insight. I look at Ayers and all I can think is I don’t have earrings and I can still look at myself in the mirror. Except for the getting older part. Which is okay. I’ve never killed anyone. Not even inadvertently. Though I’ve been fighting a war they’d recognize for all of my life.
There’s a sense in which I’ve been walking out on that first SDS meeting for 45 years. Going on 46. Idiots never get smarter. They just get older. And they get their deaf ears pierced.
UPDATE. Here’s Part 2 of the interview.
The professor comes off like a schlub. Makes you wonder why anyone followed him anywhere. They must all have been stoned.
What a disgrace that he can be out in public, let alone teach. Megyn is deservedly a rising star.
“They must all have been stoned.”
That’s my only working theory to explain a lot of what’s going on right now. I wonder how many people by now are on something. I don’t just mean pot, but legal meds, too. Do we know what happens if you’ve been on ritalin for 20 years, for example? Or if you’ve been constantly mixing that with other things the entire time, like alcohol or whatever else you’re able to get your doc to give you a slip for?
That was… well, simply beautiful. Pulled me right out of a grumpy mood and combined with it to inspire my Evil Mad Scientist laugh, which I suppressed so as not to scare the officemates.
I hadn’t realized that Ayers was an actual sociopath, but in that
interviewvivisection he showed every cue. Terrifying. -
Can’t watch this until later tonight, but thank you for bringing my attention to it.
“His hatred of America is astounding,” was the comment of the final FBI fellow on the post-interview panel. Yes, this born-with-a-silver-spoon sociopath who has lived his life surrounded by wealth, celebrity and hero worship showed himself tonight and last night for the terrorist he is. I know that you and Lady Laird don’t care much for Megyn, but I thought she was masterful.
Ayers is now employed by my husband’s alma mater. Shame on them (and on Northwestern, who employs his also-traitorous wife). We donate to many political causes and institutions but not one red sou will UI see from us.
Couldn’t help but notice how many similarities his answers have with Obama’s: “Oh, that whistleblower is just lying about me. It’s very unfortunate such-and-such happened, but I didn’t know anything about it. Nobody told me about x & y, even though I was a high profile member of this organization. Sure, I was very close personally with so-and-so, but I had no idea all my cronies were making bombs and had nothing to do with the attacks. Every critic is just out to get me b/c they don’t like me for whatever reason.”
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