I remember. They called two straight personal fouls against Alan Page. 30 yards. He got them all back in the next two plays. Back when the NFL was a league of men fighting men. Now a judge. Ohio. Hey. We always win.
Do you remember? I do. There was Mean Joe Greene. And Alan Page and Carl Ellers. People who used to be known as football players.
What do we have now? The Hall of Fame Game. Vikings vs Steelers. Don’t they look cute? Their Twitter accounts are as fashionable as their wardrobes. And the incredibly stupid choreography they perform after a tackle, a sack, or a touchdown. Children are always children, regardless of race, creed, or country of origin.
Told my wife I’m just about done with the NFL.
I remember Bud Grant. He didn’t let his players wear gloves. It was always cold in Minnesota before they closed the city in a dome. Done.
Done. Done. Done. Oh Yeah. The running back who’s had half a dozen kids by half a dozen women. How cool is that?