Genuine Masonic Ring.
Freemason ring, diamond inset, worn by a WWI 33rd Degree veteran of the Rainbow Division who made the pilgrimage to Rosslyn Chapel. Never knew how much he knew. But he left the ring to me. One of a kind. I can’t figure out what it means. All he told me was something about Rennes le Chateau. Where he passed by after leaving the western front. The diamond did something. Creeped him out. It’s done something like to me from time to time. Don’t want it. Don’t like the Freemason stuff. Buy it and get it out of my life.
Comes with extraordinary provenance. Three handwritten letters from the western front in 1918, the American offensive of the Rainbow Division. Take it or leave it. The captain was a lifelong mason. Still have his sword and plumes.
Beginning at £300.