Encouragements for Nyjinksi, er, Nylonski, um, Nyqvist, the dumb one in Wallander.
Offered up by the fastest four-leggeds in the racing world. With all good wishes.

Why do you thing we run so much faster than you? Because we can visualize so much better what we are chasing. And we’re faster.
Are you ready?

We are.
Are you sure?

Ready, Set…

They’re they go!!!
Like our asses, Nyborg?
Or are they too small to see in the distance?

They call us The Breeze, ’cause we just keep blowin’ down the road.
We win. What we do.
Oh well. Want to try again?
The horses always say that. Roach time.

Go Nylonov! Roachin’ for ya