So Sammy has his dinner downstairs at 6 pm, and Raebert has his delivered upstairs at 6:15 pm. But Raebert doesn’t eat his right away. Being somewhat eccentric, he has a preliminary step called “flipping the bowl.”

His own version of distributing the wealth.
Sammy and Rikki used to steal food from each other’s bowls, and Rikki was known to get testy about it, snarling a time or two. Now that he’s upstairs with Raebert, Sammy has been showing an interest in hoovering up Rae’s spilled food. But my wife is stern about this because it wouldn’t be funny if Rae actually objected, being close to twice greyhound size and all. So Sammy’s been creeping close and getting a lot of Mommy “NO’s!”
Which brings us to the night before last. Rae had upended his bowl on schedule, and Sammy was lying peacefully on Raebert’s bed.

You know. Relaxed and content.
All was right with the world. Then my wife decided to see to the cat boxes in the bathroom next door. No sooner had she turned on the bathroom light than Sammy rose to his feet and approached the floor sprinkle of kibble.

She’s in there, right? Doesn’t know I’m here, right?
Cat box scrapings begin.

You can hear him eating. It’s a low, constant crunching sound.
Then a pause in the cat box activity.

What’s that? Is she coming back!
New litter being scooped into boxes. False alarm.

Crunch. Crunch.
An ominous new silence.

She’s coming back.
And so she is.

“There’s my Sammy. He’s a good boy.”
Raebert was cool throughout.

I’ll never tell. What I will do,is steal your whole breakfast bowl tomorrow and carry it to MY bed, which you should maybe get off of now.
And that’s exactly what he did. The whole bowl in his teeth. And dumped and upended to boot. He always wins in the end.