Hey, everybody. Wake up. The two-leggeds have finally gone to bed.

Shut your piehole, Iris. Some of us are fond of something called sleep.

Elliott, I’m going to claw your eyes out, you orange old man. Monday is Sammy’s birthday. We should have a party to celebrate. He’ll be 13.

Cool. Midnight plus one. Around here we call that half past dead.

Sammy. Sammy! Are you going to take that from him?


What’s going on? Why doesn’t anyone ever tell me anything? What’s going on? I can help.


Hey! Keep it down! You’ll wake the two-leggeds.

Let me explain, Raebert. I–

What gave you the idea you could call me Raebert?

Sorry, chief. Won’t happen again. I was just trying to organize a party tonight for Sammy’s birthday.

I can help. We’ll invite everyone we know and–

We don’t know anyone.

I do. But we’re not exactly on speaking terms right now.


What’s going on? Is it breakfast time?

I know! I know!Let’s take turns singing songs. I’ll start! I’ll start! I’ll start!

All right. Let’s get it over with. Sammy, you want to nose that door shut? Go ahead Eloise.


That was good, Eloise. But watch those high notes. I don’t like them.

Can you open the door? I have to use the cat box.

Then why don’t you go next, Raven. Then we’ll open the door.

Sammy you want to nose that door for Raven? Your turn Elliott.


Let’s move this along. Iris?

That was bit flamboyant of you, young lady. Oh well. It’s getting late. I’ll go and then Sammy can finish up.

What what. This is dedicated to my friend Rikki. Rikki Tikki Tikki Tikki Tavi.