The REAL African American flag. After they’re done with us white folks.
I want Chinese food. Where I am. My country’s gone. The Eagles annihilated the Steelers yesterday. I don’t care.
Doesn’t matter who gets elected, really. It’s all been gone for a long time.
Why ‘Below the Turnpike’ matters. A brief glimpse of the past, from millionaires to below decks babysitters all living together.

Billie Holliday. Philly born and bred. Jazz Lives Matter. Stay tuned.
Except everything else matters too. Holliday was only a hooker on the side. She didn’t boast about it.

The African American esthetic. Aren’t we proud of ourself?
I used to write as if people could read. They can’t. Bet you can’t get past the first paragraph of my first blog blog.
Shrinking attention spans. Mine has shrunk too. But I still know and remember way way way more than you.

Know what? I’d win. Even if we were doing it with 1911 .45s.
Should I stay or should I go?
Yeah, I’ll say what no one else will. Do me in, Facebook. We’ve become a nation of niggas. Put that in your Tennessee corncob and smoke it, Glenn Reynolds. I’ll see you on the other side of Twitter and Pajama land.

Oh. You wanted to see a real gunfight? It can be arranged.
Yeah. The way personal confrontations actually work. I could explain. Why my wife gave a huge horselaugh when I said I’d never tried to be an Alpha male.
“Who are you kidding?” She horselaughed.
But I am what I am and I love Billie Holliday, whoever you think I am.