Challenging God. Every day.
Don’t know how to couch this. My basic view of actors corresponds to Hitchcock’s. They’re cattle. But Walken is different. I’ve learned from him. He taught me how to read my own writing out loud. That staccato off-balance rhythm is exactly how I write. Enables me to read what I wrote, the perfectly right way.
The odd thing is that I had a long time mental block about his name. Couldn’t remember his name. Denial. He was an icon to me. So I couldn’t remember his name. How pitiful is that?
Better than Brando. Marlon was always acting in a movie different from anyone else. So too with Christopher. But unlike Brando, Walken’s other movie was always better than the ones the others were making.
And the man could dance. White people can dance, you know. You just have to see into their more complicated souls to appreciate their moves.
Walken is the perfect voice for you, Robert. I mean PERFECT. And the man can dance. Here’s another slick example:
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