He shows up from nowhere and tells us how to write correct English.
Forget his grammar lesson. He went to Florida Technological Seminary and majored in seducing incoming chess club recruits. What he knows about language and literary usage would fit in a teacup. Oh. Jane Austin and George Orwell used relaxed versions of gender-neutral pronouns. Not because they ever wrote colloquial dialogue, but because they were all auditioning for the Baltimore Sun. Yet colloquial is not correct, and a white suit does not a priest make.
So. Who is this guy? Down to the real serious questions here. I’m thinking he’s a CGI character like Max Headroom. Not really there. Just a head position and a camera perspective.

Like me. Only I am in on the game.
Watch the amalgam of two pompous jerks with white hair and hubris galore.
I’ve got more. But I’ll let this one sink in for now. Let me know if you want more.