Humanitarian extraordinaire Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Thing is, at the end of the day, you usually get the face you deserve. Too bad for her.
LifeNews.com published an article this week that began this way:
“U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg employed an old, often debunked pro-abortion argument in her decision today to overturn a Texas abortion law credited with saving tens of thousands of babies’ lives.
“Ginsburg was one of the five liberal justices to overturn the law in a devastating abortion ruling Monday. The ruling, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, overturned a Texas law requiring that abortion clinics meet common-sense health and safety standards and that abortionists have hospital admitting privileges in cases of patient emergencies.
“Pro-lifers believe the Supreme Court ruling will endanger women and allow back alley abortionists like Kermit Gosenell to practice on main street. Gosnell is a jailed Pennsylvania abortion practitioner who notoriously killed and injured women and newborn babies at his shoddy Philadelphia abortion center.
“In her opinion, however, Ginsburg claimed that abortion clinic regulations were not necessary, in part, because abortion is safer than childbirth, according to the Washington Post.
“Ginsburg wrote: “Many medical procedures, including childbirth, are far more dangerous to patients, yet are not subject to ambulatory surgical-center or hospital admitting-privileges requirements.”
“The newspaper gave credence to Ginsburg’s argument by citing a study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, which estimated that the risk of a woman dying after childbirth was 10 times greater than after an abortion.
“This common pro-abortion talking point has been debunked numerous times. First and foremost, abortion never is safer for the unborn child. An abortion almost always destroys an unborn human being’s life.
“It is not accurate to say that abortion is safer for the woman, either. At the very least, researchers point out that the U.S. does not receive enough data from abortion facilities to make that conclusion. Several European studies have refuted the claim even further, concluding that more women die after abortions than childbirth.”
She cares. Of course she does. Just a coincidence that she is afflicted with that nasty predatory face, which looks like it doesn’t care about anyone any more than a Skeksis cares about the lowly race of humans.

What’s the point of being 800 years old if you don’t get to piss down the throats of the conquered? They don’t deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. Why should I care about their entrails spread across fly infested ghetto clinics full of schwartzes?
How many of these beautiful unsung voices have you killed with your progressive compassion, thou Harpy/Skeksi Bader Ginsburg? Bitter old woman, careening toward damnation.