Well, we had a lot of white privilech in our part of town, Edna. Something you other worldser’s probly wouldn’t a appresiated. Like we had this FM raddio, which got the Sinatra twice a week. Cool, man, cool

We’re talking one huge high output speaker here. Sinatra sound as close as the next county.
And we had them Readers Digests two.

I learned everything about my Most Unforgettable Character and all the ways you can get cancer and die in agony.
But that warn’t all.
Because my starched grandfather was only eleven when this was published.

1896. First bare breasts published in a magazine.
After that we had every issue of every year of the National Geographic on file and I enjoyed them all as much as my third reading of Kidnapped and my second reading of Black Beauty. We never talked about it. The 50 years worth of Nat Geo were neatly filed on a shelf in the attic, right next to my grandma’s box of String Too Short To Use. Why I’m as literate as I am today.

The gaps are mostly in New Guinea. You know. Being honest.
I’m a eddicated guy now, Edna.
For many millions of us, the first sugar was the dream of Brown Sugar. Hallelujah.