When it comes to stupid and futile gestures, there’s no substitute for the half of the English island with no human beings in it.

Without Scotland, England looks like a dog without a head. Pretty much the truth of it.
The Romans learned the hard way. The English learned the hard way. Then they invented golf, capitalism, the worst cuisine on earth, the steam engine, women who talk like something’s stuck in their throat, and men with no underwear. The world has never been the same. All part of the same stupid, futile gesture which had no other purpose than giving the middle finger to the rest of the world.
World, you’re about to get the bird again. Hallelujah.
The new plan. Vote Scotland out of the U.K. Join the EU. And then the surprise military Conquest of Brussels.

The Ladies from Hell. They’ll be bringing their own Scottish hell to the bureaucratic inferno of Belgium. God save them. If He can.