Rikki and Samuel. Two peas in a pod.
For us this is a golden moment. We don’t know how long it will last. Why it’s so life intensifying. We have to relish it one day at a time. Despite a quarter century of experience with sighthounds, these guys are new to us. Different. Let us count the ways.
1. They look like each other. Few greys do. They’re every color and often differ markedly in size. These guys are almost a Xerox of one another.

Samuel was skinnier when he got here. We.ve been feeding him up. Now we differentiate them by collar design.
2. They don’t get on the couch. We have three to four couches ruined by greyhounds and deerhounds named Sonny, Patrick, Andrew, Molly, Psmith, and Raebert. These guys have no interest in couches.
3. They don’t do stairs. Greyhound literature full,of advice about how to teach them stairs. None of it works if they simply won’t.
4. They’re both twelve years old. Hardly any greyhounds achieve that age. These guys are still bouncy.
5. They are so much alike in every respect, but their personalities are nevertheless different. Both are individuals. Ultimate proof of canine consciousness.
6. Since we have the two of them, all the above reasons need to be multiplied by two. Which gives us twelve anodynes to the twelve plagues of the Old Testament. Provided by two twelve year olds. Rejoice with us in our golden moment.

That’s Rikki on the left and Samuel on the right. Right, honey?
As I said, a golden moment.
“And so we end the Passover seder according to law.
We have conducted it according to tradition, according to statute…
“Next year in Jerusalem.”
And so we pray that the Lord will pass over our greyhound sons for one more year.
Winter awaits us all.