It seems that a lot of young women in Ystaad Sweden are suddenly dead. Who will remember? Wallander.

Has anybody seen my dog Jussi? He was just here.

Oh my Gott. Jussi?

Sorry Chief. We think it’s Jussi.

I need some coffee.

Thinking that’s not a dog. Do you want some coffee?

I’m thinking she looks more human, ja?

This coffee’s good. Isn’t it? Ja. Tack.

Is it possible we were wrong about Jussi? Something more sinister might have been.

I am from Iceland. I come here for the sport.

That was good sport. Almost like the goal in futbol.

Boss this is Svartman. Another woman has been killed. Shot in the head this time. I think I can see his car though. It’s a Volvo.

So Jussi is okay?

This is an extreme emergency, Wallander. Are your officers up to it? Is there any more cream and sugar? Are you up to the task, Svartman?

Yes, ma’am. You have my word. But I think he just killed another woman. I’m following him though. On him like stink.

I don’t always use a gun. I’m from Iceland. sometimes I use an icicle. And now I’m coming for that prosecutor babe.

I have to go pee. Excuse me.

Uh oh.

Svartman. Did I just see some Volvo taillights go lutefisking it out of here?


Were you on your mobile again to your wife?

Maybe. Sorry, boss. The baby has colic.

You do know they’ll very likely kill her.

She also had the lottery numbers. What’m I supposed to do?

Get back here as soon as you can manage. We’ll have some coffee, then we’ll rescue Arnstrod or whatever the hell her name is.

i thought you were in love with her.

You’ve sure got a funny way of showing it.

I can’t help saying I’ve a mind to stop drinking coffee and pull out my gun. And maybe go get her in a while. What do you think, Svartman?

Are you all føçkįñ nuts? I’m going to kill you right now. Screw the prosecutor. You never cared about her and she never cared about you. I’m going back home to Cleveland, where we know how to settle our differences.
Oh yeah. The guy from Iceland. Won’t ever be visiting Cleveland. He’ll be friends with other guys, in another world.

As long as Jussi is okay.
Word to Iceland. Don’t ever mess with Cleveland.

Tnis is now it ends. Every time.
You and the Swedes like Wallander go down in the first five minutes.
But in honor of Wallander and Jussi and all of Wallander’s languid, slow moving, slow responding, emotionless cohort, here’s the best we can do.
Go ahead. Be all dead and everything. The dead video was as Swedish as we could manage.

I have to go pee. Excuse me.