Me and Billy JayCee.
I’ll start with Hillary. This relationship goes way wa-a-a-y back to the sixties. Here they were.
Think anything’s really changed? Twin sociopaths determined to win power at any cost. Arkansas trash and Illinois trash on the LSD trip of an aeon. How will it end. Probably with an overdose of power, sex, and perversion.
Of course, you’re free to nominate your own campaign song for Hillary.
John Belushi as Joe Cocker. Way closer than you think.
Well. Bernie Sanders.
He’s also an imitation. Lenin and Stalin are dead. But he waves his arms around like an old man who isn’t entirely deceased, like all his ideas are. You know. Prop him up with some idiot blonde coeds and a pianist who can play a few bars of classics from the past and he seems like he just might be current. Instead of a completely crazed moron on the ragged edge of death.
Again, feel free to nominate your own.
Clay Aiken. “Invisible.”
Martin O’Malley. Yes he is.
Feel free.
Tomorrow or sometime, the Republicans. We’ll be just as unsparing.