Fun with Rob

Rob informs me that owls have a reputation for wisdom simply because they can see at night. Not true. Cats can see at night too. They’re considered magical but not wise. For example:

Julie Newmar as Catwoman. Batman (1966), “Catwoman Goes to College”

Their eyes may be intimidating…

…but not necessarily wise. Malicious and evil is more like it.

So here’s the deal. The owl has always been associated with the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, who sprang full grown from the head of Zeus. You know, a man thing.

And here she is. With the symbol of her wisdom.




Leading eventually to a Temple cheerleader.

Leading eventually to a Temple cheerleader.


  1. Rob’s avatar

    Next thing you’ll be bringing dogs into this. Woof!!

    1. Anonymous’s avatar

      Already did, in case you hadn’t noticed.

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