Zevon and Tearson. How to sum it up. The basis of all that was great in rock and roll. Michael Tearson was our little cross-eyed monster. He talked slow. He loved the music. That was MMR in a nutshell. The Radio Station. WMMR, Philadelphia.
Haven’t listened to rock music stations for ten years. Then, this week, I just turned off talk radio. Local guy named Dom Giordano. Got on a tear about a poll about Trump and Carson. Women Don’t like Trump. Women Don’t like Trump. Women Don’t like Trump. Women Don’t like Trump. And so on. Caller makes a perfectly good point. Carson got beat up in the mass media. Got a bump in the polls. Giordano right back on his narrative. Therefore, Women Don’t like Trump. Women Don’t like Trump. Women Don’t like Trump.
So. I. Bailed. First to my wife’s awful station, WMGK. Then to the Radio Station of my youth. WMMR. You know how long it takes to hear a Stones song on WMMR? About five minutes. Makes me sad. I hear them all the time. Don’t need ancient DJs to play them for me. But it’s better than hearing lame brained radio hosts pretending they know what they’re talking about. Just a shot away from hearing sense.
Can’t watch news, can’t listen to news or commentary anymore. Any. More.