They keep pretending. Doesn’t matter. All done.
Unless you’re young, in which case you’re totally and thoroughly screwed. What’s left is freedom. I awaken each morning happy that no federal SWAT team came to take me in the night. I know they will one of these nights but I live from day to day. And I’m old. If they come to take my wife, I’ll try to kill them of course. But mostly she posts about greyhounds.
As one who is sure to lose it in the New Democratic Socialist regime of either Bernie or Jeb, let me tell you about life. It was great when we could be Americans. Now that we have to be black, white, Hispanic, Hispanic, Hispanic, and LGTB, not so much.
Who’s to blame? Women of course. Never should have given them the vote. They always were nuts.

Carrie Nation. Bitch of her day. Not talking burkas or clitorectomies. Just common sense. Which she never had.
Not that I’m upset or anything. Mind if I clear my throat?
There. Much better. Women are great. I love women. I just….
Excuse me. Hillary and Huma. President and Ventriloquist-in-Chief. Muslim Lesbian Rasputin in Chief. Cool.
We had it so much better. I have never seen the nipples of Raquel Welch. Not from the first day… the last. Imagination is a lost art.
I mean, why do any of you need imagination?
So. As long as there is no news, we will not pretend there is news. And all you gay lesbian bi transgender girls can go suck eggs. Consider this my electronic wrecking ball to all of you.
So long as young girls have only these kinds of role models many of them will want to become men. When the identity of “American woman” is so warped and when the consumers not only tolerate but flock to such goods we can say that there is a legitimate reason to believe rational young girls might want to be boys.
And when young men confront the new emo sterotype, and are told that it is better to act gay than be masculine, of course the only violence left is becoming a woman. A “war of words” is better than submission to false gods. The woman is doing violence to herself and no one can say anything because they fear repercussions. No one speaks up because to do so is to be *possibly* culpable for promoting hate speech. So young men push the limits of sexuality because parents and government have removed all other dangers. Except sports. Which is different.
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