Who’s in the doghouse?



We wondered why Raebert was so anxious and yet standoffish last night. No surprise that the mail lady loves him. Most ladies do. But surprising alacrity on his part this morning when she popped the mail through the doorway.

The part of the instructions he did NOT eat along with the box said this.

Google Glass Features

Touchpad: A touchpad is located on the side of Google Glass, allowing users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-like interface displayed on the screen.[29] Sliding backward shows current events, such as weather, and sliding forward shows past events, such as phone calls, photos, circle updates, etc.

Camera: Google Glass has the ability to take photos and record 720p HD video.

My wife swears she didn’t order Google Glasses, and I know I didn’t. The little ones are too short to reach the phone, and Elliott is busy outside killing things. Which leaves us with one prime suspect. And the suspect photos he took before we observed his new eyewear. Judge for yourself.

Beds aren't supposed to have cats on them.

Beds aren’t supposed to have cats on them.

He doesn’t like Elliott on his non-bedroom bed. Elliott doesn’t care, however.

Where breakfast and dinner show up.

Where breakfast and dinner show up. Mostly.

Well, Champ, we’re not the one who continually spills breakfast and dinner all over the carpet.

The best place is right behind Mommy's desk chair. She yells sometimes, but it's never as bad as Daddy's cold barks.

The best place is right behind Mommy’s desk chair. She yells sometimes, but it’s never as bad as Daddy’s cold barks.

Get over yourself, Rae. Cold barks are better than hot ones.

When you have to sit in the corner, this is the corner to go to.

When you have to sit in the corner, this is the corner to go to.

You put yourself in the corner, Rae. We can never figure out why exactly.

When I’m bad they show me this. I don’t like flies.

Who does? But we don’t all run shrieking from the room like a little girl, do we, Raebert?

The Missus does not like photos taken of her from her unsuspecting behind (well, you know what I mean), and so the ground penalty will have to be commensurately unfair. No cheese products for a week, including Cheetos, Cheezits, Combos, Baby Bonbel, Brie, and your favorite imported Camembert. Maybe that’ll learn you, son.