So I ran across a Facebook post that referenced Orwell’s Newspeak. I made a mildly snarky comment about my pleasure that millennials were hearing about 1984 and wondered if they had yet started learning Animal Farm. Then this happened.
The pot went straight to a boil after that.

The shutdown you get with women going for Hillary regardless. Know any of those? CLICK FOR READING SIZE IF YOU’RE AN OLD MAN OR AN OLD WOMAN.
The coup de grace.
You just get tired. People who insist they are smart, logical, competent, responsible, and thoughtful. Only they vote with their genitals. In what universe does that make any sense? So I took Hillary down. She’s unspeakably drab, an old woman with nothing left in her body but the reflexive desire for power. Do we need that? Do women need that? No. Nobody needs that.
I know how you feel. Sometimes that phrase is meaningless, but in this case I really, truly do. “Weighing all options.” Yeah, not sure whether to break for Hillary, Bernie Sanders, or Jim Webb. Going to be awfully tough. Will wait to see who fares best on The View before making up my mind. Don’t want to rush things.
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