The man to make the others man up.
Guess I have to explain its meaning since no one else can or will.
National Review has been fulminating en masse. How dare he? He’s a joke. He drags us all down.
Well, yeah. Off your high and mighty perch. You, like the rest of the Republicans, have your delicate debates with one another about immigration and same sex marriage and political correctness and all the other ways the left is totally carjacking and home invading the American way of life in directions it never thought of and doesn’t want. But actually being rude or (OMG) coarse would be a blasphemy to the ghost of WFB. This nation is in the grip of a kind of Stockholm syndrome. A hard won republican majority is so supine as to be emblematic of the old axiom, “If you’re going to be raped, you may as well relax and enjoy it.” (More fodder for the War on Woman meme, I expect.) Aliens have taken control, under the aegis of the president, an impotent and bought and paid for congress, and a corrupt, totally derelict Supreme Court, and no one knows what to think anymore.
The polls are all over the place. They report that people massively approve the two most recent precedent-destroying SCOTUS decisions. Huh? They also report that 63 percent of people believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and one in three Americans would consider leaving their country for somewhere else — if there were somewhere better to go. Many of these are the very kids who propelled Obama to power and reelected him. Huh? Ironically, most of those enlightened ones couldn’t find a country on a map, not even their own. Thank whoever for our great public schools.
The Democrats are running an aged, empty crone who has cheated and broken laws at every turn her whole life long without recording a single signal achievement except having a vagina her husband hasn’t desired for at least a quarter century.
The Republicans have acquired a crew of candidates who are so afraid of a predatory press that they can barely stop stammering when asked about their greens fees, Mexican gardeners, bald spots, and choices in music and cuisine. “Please don’t hurt us,” they cry, while Hillary sits (dead?) silently atop a mountain of scandal no one in the nation has the balls to call her on. Okay. That’s how it’s going to be.
Except that the great Republican hope is Jeb, who is a Lyndon Johnson Democrat fluent in Spanish. How cool is that? The strategists are having orgasms in their $3000 suits. “We can win this thing.” Except they haven’t for a long long deleterious time. They are so wired in, so smart, so attuned to the political process that they have failed to understand Jeb fails in every respect. He likes Hispanic immigrants more than Americans, he wants the federal government to control elementary and high school education, he has no real problem with Hillary, having given her some freedom medal or something, and he acts in every way just like — Hillary, a scion, an heir, whose time has come.
Enter The Donald. He comes on the scene like a bellowing bull, albeit with an odd combover, yet even that is a kind of becoming display. If anyone could afford the best efforts of the Hair Club for men, it’s Donald Trump. He’s his own defiant Lion King, a supreme alpha male the Republican Party has lacked for at least eight years.
No matter how angry the precious of National Review editors are about his candidacy, he is saying things the silent majority (yes, that old trope) wants to hear. Obama is destroying the country. It is the market which creates jobs, and Obama hates both markets and capitalism. Obama has made the U.S. a laughingstock on the world stage while the world seizes on our weakness and descends into chaos. An immigration policy which refuses to enforce our borders or deport the worst of illegal immigrants is ensuring a steady infusion of uneducated, unskilled, often violent opportunists, who at best are not part of any high tech, world competitive workforce and at worst are an economic and criminal assault on communities throughout the nation. And the spending, the spending, the debt and the debt.
The Trump appeal in a nutshell. Everyone with a grain of common sense knows what he says is so. And it’s Obama’s fault. And Hillary, more self-involved than Marie Antoinette and more low in morals than Catherine the Great, will only make things worse.
The media attack him because they are afraid. The political environment in this country is more volatile than they dare to admit. The prospect of the coronation of Hillary is oddly at odds with the deep mood of an electorate which has been fooled twice by an image built upon lie after lie after lie. Hillary is the antidote to eight years of blatant, arrogant, self-serving lies? The media are concerned. Time to take out The Donald. Immediately if not sooner. Hence all the sound and fury of the past week or so.
Not saying I expect Trump to win the nomination. But he does have a valuable role to play that could help the republicans win the White House.
What no pundit I’ve read or heard has yet said: A debate including Trump will increase the ratings for what might otherwise be a sorry parade of appeasing platitudes.
Yeah, the army of Republican strategists have their candidates well schooled. Don’t offend anybody. Be nice. When Matt Lauer or Katie Couric assaults you with a bit of misrepresented trivia, answer the question and make sure no one in the whole country misunderstands your sincerity and absolute virtue. Be nice, be outreachingful, be a Democrat but less so. And never lose your temper or demean your opponent the way he and the media will demean you. How McCain lost. How Romney lost. How most of the current 45 Republican candidates will lose.
The Trump opportunity in addition to increased ratings is that some one or two republican candidates will discover that they also possess a pair of balls. The ability to fight back. To say something honest and mean it. Having a pair of balls is the way to beat Hillary in 2016. If no one else does, I may have to side with Trump. Because however much she wants them, Hillary has no balls. Why she hides at Chappaqua and never Meets the Press.
God help me.
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