We talked about Doom and Gloom yesterday. Today I went to the custard stand to get a black and white milkshake for me, a black and white cone for my wife, and a vanilla cone for my racist deerhound. On the way back I saw clouds. Clouds are supposed to be ominous, unless they’re really portentous instead. My state of the art iPhone refused to photograph them. I sent my wife outside to do it for me. But she thinks all photographs are portraits.
I therefore hauled my decrepit bones outside myself, and I sat them down on the road out here in the wilds of South Jersey to have a moment with God and country. Take a look. Why I’m calling this entry Hope and Faith.

This pic’s interesting on two counts. The beauty of God’s sky. And the fields below it, which we call the Mekong Delta because we are racist Anti-Asian types who have no regard for the 24/7 labor of the coolie-hatted ones who plow, sow, tend, and reap a proliferation of crops 12 months a year. (Note Raebert cloud in upper left.)

And this one’s a picture of God not too happy, and also of our mailbox again. We’re sending Him a letter of apology. You have heard how he hates being photographed.
Just another Sunday in the country.