This past week has alarmed me more than I can say. Supposedly good Christians attacking a woman who was the target of a murderous assault by the proud sponsors of videotaped decapitations, rapes, mutilations, and other acts so detestable most people can’t and don’t watch them. The cognoscenti sought to shame her and give fanatical murderers a pass because they were “provoked.”
I’ve had it. At this point I’m entirely willing to be on the outs with friends and family who have forgotten what they shallowly profess to believe. Do I extend to them Christian forgiveness? No. Some sins it is up to God to forgive. But there are sins not even God forgives. Something else our jaded, indolent society has forgotten.
Anymore, most so-called Christians are simple secularists, mouthing the pieties of a world that stands in stark contrast to the religion they believe they believe and don’t actually think about or care about at all. They go to church and go through the motions, checking the boxes of baptism, confirmation, and communion. But motions are all they do.
We’re witnessing an ongoing slaughter of people who really do believe and mostly we don’t care. Not even enough to watch it or take any note of its occurrence.
I got this far the other night, weighted down by the dismissals and denials of professed Christians. One who thought an empty reality show simulacrum of the ritual of First Communion was proof against the proliferating temptations awaiting a girl on the verge of puberty. One who still stubbornly professes to believe in the Constitution as much as his Roman Catholic faith and yet believes that it’s just common Christian decency to let Muslims determine what we can say about their barbaric, utterly indecent cult of theocratic world domination. (A generation younger, he no doubt also believes that the Crusades were an unconscionable war against the world devouring Nazgul of Muhammed. So be it.) One who told me, in all candor, despite being raised in an evangelical tradition, that he just doesn’t care that much about anything that happens outside his own family and neighborhood.
So I put down my iPad and fell silent.
Then, today, I found on my newsfeed a commemoration of the first recording the Rolling Stones’s Satisfaction, 50 years ago yesterday. And the old, failing punk rose in me, so that I wrote this in a comment on my own citation of the song:
Of course, I’m no way near as energetic as I was then. But I’m way, way more pissed. Does that count? Can’t figure out why so few people care that our way of life is being taken apart day by day in this Caligulan administration. How can anything be business as usual for anybody who claims to have a brain. Six years of this halfwit clown in the Oval Office, American influence nearly gone, American security crumbling to dust, poor people poorer, talentless billionaires dealing with the White House to enrich themselves further at everyone else’s expense, and the overwhelming majority of the mass media, academia, Hollywood, and every identity constituency still blaming the only economic system that has ever provided prosperity for generations of talented hardworking people. And, btw, Christians, even the ones who take their kiddies to church, no longer know what any of their so-called faith is about, except maybe conceding to MSM secularists that every other religion, even the most proudly vicious and murderous of them, is just as valid, just as good, just as evil. Thus proving they know absolutely nothing about Christianity, which has tolerated other faiths but has never stipulated their equality, just the customary Christian love of sinners, not their sins. Christianity is the light of every aspect of modern consciousness, everything that makes us individuals and connects us to the divine. No other religion is remotely close. Why the near and Far East were both sunk in feudalism and rigid caste systems until American Christian hegemony turned them loose to build new hopes and aspirations for their peoples. Japan, India, Taiwan, Singapore…
And they don’t care. None of their business. Nothing to do with their own Biblical illiteracy, their own ignorance of the prophets, nothing in fact but another little pageant display in a blind church — with a Jumbotron a jumble of stained glass windows with no Christian content whatsoever — presided over by a progressive, collectivist, pro-abortion minister, and a lot of noisy rearranging of deckchairs on the Titanic by men and women in tee shirts and shorts.
While they simply, purely, and completely don’t give a rat’s ass about anything except whether their damaged kids are buckled safely into the child seats of their SUVs.
The Stones were about living, taking risks, daring, shining, not subsiding into an oatmeal-colored limbo of submissive nonentity and unthinking cowardice.
Where did everyone go? I can’t stand even to be in public anymore. Everybody’s fat, loutish, dressed in lewd shirts, obsessed with food and toys more than curiosity, and totally blind to the stars in a streetlightless sky. They’re dead already. Watching American Idol and worshipping Beyonce, Brady, and their trust in Brobdingnagian government.
God help us. But at this point, why would he?
Rant ended. Been building in me like the Yellowstone Supervolcano. Bad news. It will almost certainly erupt again. Satisfaction? No, no, no.
Certainly not with this, which nobody wants to watch or ever will.

Look. LOOK DAMMIT. she could be your daughter. And chances are, she was a better Christian than you will ever be.
I’m never again going to say, “Don’t look.” This is happening, whether your little self-satisfied church gives a damn or not. “LOOK!” You think off-key kid choruses and theology free ads for Obama’s immigration policies and bathetic identity grievances about rape culture in the only country in history where women have achieved cultural dominance will free you from accountability for your sins of omission will ever save you? No. They won’t.
If there’s a part of you that really believes in Christianity, you face damnation. If not, you face damnation.
P.S. Ever noticed that western atheists are all pacifists? They don’t ever see a moral point worth fighting for. Ever noticed that Eurasian atheists are all genocidal totalitarians? They don’t see a moral point worth fighting for. Rational superiority is absolute superiority and they have no qualms about killing everybody else to get what they want. Which is actually the sensible answer given their perspective. It was romantic the way Ayn Rand’s heroes flew away as the lights of New York were going out. Wasn’t it? How the elite have always seen themselves. Above it all and unaccountable to anyone.
Kind of like pretend Christians when you think about it.