The flip side of the title is that Hillary is inevitable, surrounded by inhuman automatons who operate inside a hive mind. There’s much evidence to support this theory of her ineluctable conquest.
The ancient army of Clintonistas is still unwaveringly on duty.

Paul Begala, Lannie Davis, Sidney Blumenthal, and James Carville still obey their orders to attack, attack, and then attack again.
The media army is still repeating the mantra Resistance Is Futile.

Fear the combat divisions of the NYT, WAPO, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, and dozens of smaller tactical groups.
Besides which there are newer energetic minions working behind the scenes.
Plus, a completely inhuman phalanx of braindead feministas.
And the vast Clinton Foundation is still roaming the heavens.
But there are also a few areas of vulnerability.
Oddly, too, there are signs (see pic up top) that there’s really nothing underneath that Hillary pantsuit.
What’s more, there’s Bill. Who was never entirely assimilated into the Hillary Borg. Because Bill is still partly human.
He could still blow up the entire Borg universe with a single underage girl.
You know it’s the truth.