Archive XCXIX-05

Some Number Correspondences relevant to Shuteye Town 1999/2019

Shuteye Town 1999 was published 50 years after George Orwell’s 1984 was published in 1949.

[By an odd coincidence, 1984 was published 100 yrs after the death of Edgar Allan Poe, my principal American literary hero. By yet another coincidence, of course, author Eugene Field, who wrote the child’s poem “The Shut-Eye Train” I used as inspiration, was born in 1850, 1 yr after the death of Poe. And not that these accidents matter at all, but Lewis Carroll died in 1898, 100 yrs before I began creating my own drawings of his Wonderland characters for the “UnderNet” of ST99.]

1984 projected its action 35 years into the future.

35 years after the year 1984 is the year 2019, the year of the restored, enhanced, and farther ranging Shuteye Town Release 2.0, which now encompasses a larger realm called UnderLand.

2019 is also a round number anniversary of multiple historical events. Shuteye Town 2019 be live on the Internet…

100 years after the doughboys came home and the Influenza epidemic killed half a million Americans,
100 yrs after Prohibition was enacted via Constitutional Amendment,
100 years after the women’s suffrage amendment to the Constitution — the 19th — was passed by Congress, and
100 years after This Side of Paradise, written by my second favorite American literary hero, was bought by Scribner’s Publishing.

On a final personal note, the drop dead publication date for ST2019 is June 2019, which will be the 6th month of my 66th year. I’m no Antichrist, but I did write down the Gospel of Harry.

Today btw is the 19th of December.