Uncle Joe wants to kick Trump’s ass.

Yeah, you and what army? Priceless lech. Not as big a lech, though, as he is a joke.

Yeah, you and what army? Priceless lech. Not as big a lech, though, as he is a joke.

Really. The only sexual contact this old fool has is what he steals by groping women at state occasions. Does he actually think no one knows what a disgusting dirty old man he is? I guess not. That would go nicely with his 75 IQ.

I hate him. I've hated him ever since he led the senate mob that lynched Clarence Thomas. Rot in hell, Biden.

I hate him. I’ve hated him ever since he led the senate mob that lynched Clarence Thomas. Rot in hell, Biden.

1 comment

  1. Pat Hurley Laird’s avatar

    He really gives me the creeps. Looks like the devil in that photo.

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