Trump Rebuffed by Iowa Republicans (hilarious version)
I love Iowa. I think I’ll buy a farm there, you treacherous, ungrateful, ignorant, unprintable losers. Then we’ll find out which animals are more equal than others.

So Trump lost. Muhammed Ali lost to Joe Frazier in their first fight. Which clearly ended Ali’s career.

Everybody thinks they know what it means. But even Rush was tap dancing like Bill “Bojangles” Robinson today. Like everybody else in all the media.

Truth is, nobody knows what will happen next. The only fun to be found in the whole rock and roll proceeding. One basic scenario can be played out in any number of ways.

Who knows how they’ll dance in the week and months to come?

Wasn’t really ever going to happen for Trump in Iowa though. Conservatives don’t seem fond of this kind of goings on sponsored by an old rouĂ©.

Miss Iowa, USA pageant.

Miss Iowa, USA pageant.

Especially not with Cruz’s newfound born again evangelical Roman Catholicism. Which is, uh, what exactly? Playing with congressional rattlesnakes in the apse of a cathedral?

Think this plays better outside of Iowa? I don’t know. If you think you do, you must be a paid pundit of The Greater Media (TGM). Yeah, I am taking this opportunity to lump the MSM in with the ACM (Alternative Conservative Media), all of whom hate Trump. We’ll see now, won’t we?

My money’s on Rodney Dangerfield as Trump and Sam Kinison as the soul of the American electorate.

1 comment

  1. Lane Bellman’s avatar

    You say it so well.

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