Trump: the Ultimate Afterword

The punditocracy is not amused.

The punditocracy is not amused.

I’ve been having a blast the past week or so, posting and commenting on the subject of Donald Trump and the completely, laughably, hysterical reaction to his candidacy by the MSM in all its forms, including National Review (Kevin Williamson, throat clearing noise), and all the pundits on every side of the aisle. I’ve been struggling to come up with an appropriate comparison that illustrates the sheer ridiculousness of the dudgeon. I finally found it. A sudden lightning bolt of insight that’s just perfect.

Here it is. He’s Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack. The outsider who doesn’t care about all the rules he’s breaking and yet understands exactly what rules he’s breaking. He’s enjoying the hell out of himself and the frightened country club members are terrified he will buy the club out from under them and bring in more of the very worst sort, just like him. Enjoy.

Think of all the people you’d cast in the Ted Knight role.


  1. Rob’s avatar

    He reminds me of Howard Stern when he first hit the airways real hard in the 80’s. No one knew what to make of him either.

  2. Rex Regis’s avatar

    On point, Robert 🙂 That’s why we love/hate him.

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