Chez Laird

Crepe Myrtle in our front yard. Had one of these as a kid. Source of the quarter staffs I used to play Robin Hood as a kid. Now I like the blooms.

Crepe Myrtle in our front yard. Had one of these as a kid. Source of the quarter staffs I used to play Robin Hood as a kid. Now I like the blooms and not the pruning saw.

And a blast from the past. We used to have a mighty willow tree. Which had to be cut down before it fell and stove in the roof.

Yeah, it was old, but it gave us all our gorgeous woodpeckers. And it was dying. Had to cut it down.

Yeah, it was old, but it gave us all our gorgeous woodpeckers. It was dying. Had to go.

Guess what though. All that was old is green again. There’s no way to kill a willow tree. THEY COME BACK.

The Phoenix of trees. (Yeah click on all these pics for bigger.)

The Phoenix of trees. (Yeah click on all these pics for bigger.)

Why even the worst moments should not deplete us of hope.