A Tale of Two Yalies

They were hell on wheels in the old days.

They were hell on wheels in the old days.

Then they got modern. You know. Superior for good and ever.

Same place, different jerks.

Same place, different jerks. Humdrum Congregationalist/Calvinist architecture. Yawn.

So I know these two guys. Both from Yale. Different ages but both superior to all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. They battle on Facebook all the time, but what’s surprising is how alike they are. One’s a righty, one’s a weird libertarian/lefty combo, but both are somehow disconnected from life itself. They do postures not poesy. You can almost see them imagining how they look when they patronize your inferior ideations. They don’t put any real ideas forward. They simply snicker at yours.

Been talking to these guys for a couple of months now. At no time has either of them articulated a coherent view of anything. They snipe, they deflect, they pose, they assume — all kinds of things but mostly their own distance from decision and consequence.

Funny. I always thought there wasn’t that much difference between Harvard and Yale. There is. Harvard has fire. Yale has snobs.

My wife wants me to name names, which I can, but do I have to? Uninteresting is a title earned by the poseurs.