Hillary, etc.

Is this what anyone really wants?

Is this what anyone really wants?

If she were elected, she’d be a few months shy of 70 when she takes an oath of office she can be counted on to ignore.

And if there’s anything worse than a King of the United States, it’s a Queen of the United States, a credentialed woman of no accomplishment whatsoever still seeking approval by demanding it.

People comment on the weakness of the Democrat “bench.” Does anybody ask why the bench is so weak? Biden’s as old as Hillary and suffering from dirty old man dementia to boot. Elizabeth Warren is a default candidate for those who suspect that a party with no ideas needs to run yet another symbolic victim of white male oppression. Other than that, she’s just a joke, an affirmative action success whose main claim to fame is a ridiculous assertion of sharing the blood of Geronimo. She’ll be laughed off the national stage as soon as people discover she has no political or managerial experience, no charisma, and no knowledge of life in these United States outside the U.K. province called Massachusetts.

Who else is sitting in the dugout rubbing resin on his bat? A one term ex-governor of Maryland and a one-term ex-senator from Virginia. That’s it? Really?

Why all roads keep leading back to Hillary. Which, when you think about it, is entirely just and proper. Hillary is the perfect exemplar of what the Democrat Party has become. An Ivy League lawyer who never really practiced law, whose primary political credential is that she was married to a president of the United States and somehow managed to have almost as many scandals in that capacity as her husband did. She’s lived a privileged life devoid of actual achievement but filled with empty titles. She won a senate seat as a carpetbagger, did nothing, ran for president and lost, humiliatingly, brokered a deal to become Secretary of State, did nothing or possibly far worse than nothing, and is now entitled, based on name recognition alone, to become president of a nation she has always regarded as a mark to be conned and exploited.

The Democrats have no ideas at all. They have what remains of the 80 year old FDR electoral coalition. That’s all they have. Unless you count the lockstep viciousness of their determination to destroy every voice that opposes their entitlement to power in perpetuity.

Have you ever killed a snake with a hoe? The snake is dead but it keeps writhing, on and on and on. That’s the party of Hillary. It doesn’t matter what happens with the most currentest scandal of this sleazy harridan. She will survive to be nominated or she will be replaced with another empty headed loser, and whichever it is, the Democrat nominee might actually win, blessed from beyond by the criminal ghost of St. Franklin Roosevelt.

But there is nothing in the world that can reinvigorate the Democrat Party with good ideas, decency, or moral authority. We’ll have to provide these on our own and save the best nation in recorded history despite a broken and corrupted federal government.

Who cares who they nominate? I don’t. And neither should you.

1 comment

  1. Alfa’s avatar

    i don’t care either. But it’s amazing how much talk and spin she gets. Her name is out there all the time. And if anyone makes fun of her, it seems like the end of the world.

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