Why Phil Hendrie is the best talk show host

Everyvoice. Only funnier.

Everyvoice. Only funnier.

Don’t even know which one to begin with. Male or female. How he started. A guest didn’t show, so he filled in, playing both parts. He’s done it ever since. The thing to notice is not whether the guest is male or female but the speed with which he switches from one voice to the other. People pay to see that. There are times when it seems he’s seems he’s overtalking, but that’s a mere illusion.

Here’s a male guest. Note the intrusion of an irate caller.

And here’s a female guest.

Every single night, there are irate callers. Think about that fact.

1 comment

  1. Alfa’s avatar

    I can’t imagine how he does it. Phenomenal.

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